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Recap / Camp Camp S 2 E 6 Quartermaster Appreciation Day

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Feeling that no one gives the Quartermaster enough credit, David declares a "Quartermaster Appreciation Day" and has the camper look for gifts for the Quartermaster. For his own gift, David invites the Quartermaster's, ah, Quartersister with...mixed results.


  • Ambiguously Human: The Quartermaster keeps some kind of eldritch relic in a box in his room that causes Space Kid to chant backwards speech. Reversed, Space Kid is actually saying "The Master must not be made whole again." And his creepy comments after his sister vanishes imply he somehow absorbed her.
  • Ambiguous Situation: What exactly happens with the Quartermaster's sister in the ending. He refuses to comment on whether she's alive or dead, only saying "Two down, one to go." Also, his hook has switched hand to mirror his sister's.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Quartermaster and his sister are in love with eachother and make out at one point.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: The Quartermaster outright tells the campers that he'll turn on them eventually.
    QM: I have given you nothing to revere. I will betray you all when the opportunity arises.
    David: Quartermaster, to try and show you just how much I care-
    QM: You'll be first.
  • Collector of the Strange: The items in the Quartermaster's store that aren't outright disturbing fall into this category.
  • Dirty Old Man: QM apparently keeps a stash of "used" Barbie Dolls.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: Gwen's reaction to the Quartermaster making out with his sister.
    Gwen: Oh my God, I can't believe they went there!(beat) Oh my God, I can't believe they went there...
  • Gone Horribly Right: David and Gwen's attempts to bring Quartermaster and Quartersister together worked... though everyone really wishes it hadn't.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: The Quartermaster and his sister can be heard screaming at each other over the opening theme tune.
  • "No. Just… No" Reaction: Space Kid turns around and walks offscreen after seeing the Quartermaster and his sister flirt.
  • Produce Pelting: The episode starts with the Quartermaster tied upside down to the ceiling fan while being pelted with tomatoes.
  • Stalker without a Crush: Nikki finds a stash of hair that the Quartermaster keeps in labeled baggies. Then she pulls out a bag of green hair...
    Nikki: Huh, this looks familiar.
    Max: That's... less unexpected than I would've liked.
  • Tempting Fate: When Preston dramatically reminds them that no one has ever dared venture into the Quartermaster's store.
    Max: Oh please, how bad can it be?
    Neil: I want you to remember saying that five minutes from now when we're all scarred for life.
