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Recap / Beast Wars S 1 E 17 The Trigger Part 2

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With Blackarachnia in control of the flying island, the Maximals act quickly to survive.


  • A Day in the Limelight: Blackarachnia outmanoeuvres her fellow Predacons and cements herself as the two-parter's primary antagonist.
  • Abandon Ship: Optimus orders a pre-emptive one, upon seeing Blackarachnia is taking the island right to the Axalon.
    Optimus: Rhinox, Code 1 emergency! Evacuate Maximal Base! Scramble! SCRAMBLE!
  • Batman Gambit:
    • While in free-fall, Rattrap fakes a freak-out. When Terrorsaur swoops in to gloat, Rattrap shoots him and hitches a ride.
    • Scorponok and Blackarachnia can't enter the obelisk without shooting their way inside, but they don't want to get hit with the blaster. Blackarachnia uses the fliers as a distraction, goading Terrorsaur into opening fire by claiming to shoot at them first. This gives Blackarachnia time to use her own weapon before the blaster can recharge.
    • When Scorponok intends to blast Blackarachnia for betraying Megatron, Blackarachnia tells him that at his range, the blast would destroy them both. Scorponok then backs up out of the way...right into a trap location.
  • Big "NO!": Blackarachnia, after the island's power gives out and again after the crashing island goes off the side of a cliff.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Blackarachnia after Tigatron destroys the island's power core.
  • Big "YES!":
    • Blackarachnia after being infused with the power of the island.
    • Optimus upon seeing Tigatron get inside the obelisk.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Leaning more on the bitter side. The Maximals survive a deadly threat, but Tigatron mourns the loss of his paradise and everyone dreads what will happen when the aliens who built the island find out what happened.
  • Drunk with Power: Blackarachnia with the power of the island at her disposal.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Blackarachnia.
  • Evil Laugh: Blackarachnia after claiming the island for herself.
  • Evil Makeover: Blackarachnia gains one after claiming the obelisk's power; it dissipates once Tigatron obliterates the power core.
  • Foreshadowing: The signal sent to the aliens will come back to bite the heroes later.
  • Hypocrite: Terrorsaur (the show's first example of The Starscream) derides Blackarachnia as a backstabber. Not that he's wrong about her, of course.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: A premptive example from Tigatron, lamenting the necessity of destroying the island paradise.
  • No Man Should Have This Power: The island is much too powerful to fall into the hands of the Predacons. Tiger is forced to crash it with deep regret.
    Tigertron: May I be forgiven... for what I must do!
  • Properly Paranoid: Scorponok points out Megatron fully anticipated that Blackarachnia would try to claim the power for herself and ordered him to shoot her the second she tried.
  • Race Against the Clock: The Maximals have only minutes before Blackarachnia destroys their base.
  • Skewed Priorities: After the island is destroyed, Optimus and Tigatron talk about the cost of war. Rattrap then lampshades this.
    Rattrap: Well, uh, pardon my pragmatism here in this deeply philosophical moment, but I'm a little more concerned about who got that message. 'Cause ya gotta know, they ain't gonna be real happy.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Optimus when he sees the Predacons have reached the obelisk.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Tigatron really overstates the paradisiacal nature of the island.
  • You Fool!: Waspinator calls Terrorsaur "Pterodactyl-idiot!" when he gets them blasted by the obelisk.
