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Recap / Ash Vs Evil Dead S 1 E 5 The Host

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Recap of Ash vs. Evil Dead
Season 1, Episode 5:

The Host
"I mean, thank you. I won't let you down, brujo."

Ash: Shoot first, think never. Noted.

Brujo ties Ash up after Kelly tells that he was trying to strangle her during his trip and asks if Ash is possessed by a demon named Eligos, while in fact Kelly is. Pablo theorizes that the demon must have entered Ash back at the bookstore, and Brujo intends to perform the exorcism ritual, which may involved cutting out Ash's brain lobe. Eligos taunts Ash, and he's left tied up at the mercy of the witch doctor. Pablo goes back to the trailer, where Eligos-as-Kelly tells him to stay calm and not to interfere with the ritual. She finds Ash's stash of weed and tells Pablo to get a pipe.

Amanda and the mysterious woman wait for Ash's severed hand to show them the direction, and Amanda asks about the mechanics of demon possession. The woman explains that things don't have to make sense in order to exist, and when the hand finally shows the way, she starts driving.

Kelly uses Ash's boomstick as a pipe, startling Pablo, and attempts to seduce him. Pablo reluctantly agrees to take a hit and tries to explain that he has been waiting get closer to her. Kelly intends to load the shotgun the moment he takes the hit and becomes very insistent about it, but he relents. Eligos reveals himself and attempts to kill Pablo Meanwhile, Brujo attempts to perform the ritual on Ash, but the one-handed man manages to convince him that Kelly is the demon. They go back to the trailer where Pablo is holding Eligos at the gun point, but refuses to shoot.

Brujo performs the ritual on Kelly and feeds her leeches with his blood, but the demon vomits them out. He later attempts to use sanctified water and starts waterboarding Kelly, which makes her pee herself, but the possession doesn't end. Eligos starts bashing his head against the board, attempting to kill Kelly, but Pablo encourages her to fight it. He and Brujo go outside, where Pablo feels regretful about turning his back on brujeria and apologizes to his uncle, and the shaman apologizes for pushing him away and praises him for finding a dim light of "El Jefe" inside of Ash.

Kelly, in a seeming moment of clarity, asks Ash to kill her and put a cross on her grave, but Ash, remembering that she's Jewish, realizes it's the demon talking and refuses. Pablo decides that he should take Eligos from Kelly. The demon emerges from Kelly's mouth and starts torturing Brujo before swatting him away and making him land on a sharp piece of metal. Ash is unable to shoot Eligos due to the demon teleporting all over the place, but he remembers his mantra of "shoot first, think never" and tosses his boomstick up before swiping at the enemy with the chainsaw. As Eligos teleports in front of him, Ash catches the shotgun and blows his brains out.

The trio set up a funeral pyre for El Brujo, and Pablo sets it on fire, giving him last rites. Suddenly, the shaman's medallion falls next to Pablo's feet, and he hears his uncle's voice coming from it. He takes it and leaves just as totems are set ablaze. Ash gives Kelly a brief recap of what happened during her possession, He tries to apologize to both of his companions for causing the entire mess. Pablo shows him a new prosthetic he made, impressing Ash, and they leave the property, heading to Jacksonville.


  • Alien Blood: Eligos's head explodes in a spray of green when Ash shoots him point-blank.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: El Brujo is swatted away and impaled by Eligos during the final struggle to exorcise Kelly.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Eligos-as-Kelly makes Pablo and Brujo think that Ash is actually the one possessed.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Not long after reconciling with his nephew and past pupil Pablo, El Brujo dies, thus passing the torch to his nephew.
  • Noodle Incident: Nothing is known about Uncle Esteban's "fooling with demons", aside from the fact that his head is the only thing that remained of him.
  • Orifice Evacuation: Pablo forces Eligos to leave Kelly's body through her mouth.
  • Skewed Priorities: Ash is more concerned about the roof of his trailer rather than the fact that Kelly has been possessed.
  • Spotting the Thread: Eligos tries to trick Ash to kill Kelly as he is possessing her. Though Eligos tells Ash to make a cross for her grave. Ash, knowing Kelly is Jewish, instantly realizes it's Eligos trying to mess with him.
  • Shout-Out: Eligos-as-Kelly makes a quick shout-out to Zuul from Ghostbusters (1984).
    Eligos-as-Kelly: There is no Kelly!
  • Urine Trouble: Brujo's attempt at waterboarding Kelly with holy water ends up with her peeing herself.
    Ash: Well, we've all been there.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: After being fed leeches filled with Brujo's blood, Eligos-as-Kelly vomits out a stream of puke that hits Ash's legs.
