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Recap / Adventure Time S 4 E 8 Hug Wolf

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Kingdom Hearts, fill me with the Power of Hugs!
Finn goes through a strange transformation after an encounter with a bizarre creature called a "Hug Wolf".


  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: Finn has little to no memory of what happens when he's turned into a Hug Wolf.
  • Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: A gumdrop dad interrupts Finn as he tries to hug his daughter and chases him off with a candy shotgun.
    Gumdrop Dad: Get away from my daughter, ya hairy teenager! She won't marry!
  • Brick Joke: The episode begins when the titular creature interrupts Finn and Jake destroying an evil tree about to spread its spores. The Hug Wolf gets hit by one of the spores when they destroy the tree. Then at the end of the episode, after the curse on both her and Finn is lifted, the spore turns her into an evil tree and attacks everyone.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Hug Wolf who hugged Finn is hit with a flaming piece of the evil tree Jake destroyed. When Finn and the hug wolf turn back to normal, Jake asks her for a hug. Suddenly her head morphs into the face of the tree.
  • Depending Upon the Undependable: While Jake and some miscellaneous candy citizens try to take out the Alpha Hug Wolf, Cinnamon Bun is left in charge as Finn's jailer. The second Finn transforms, he easily convinces CB to help him escape by offering him a hug.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: As indicated by their name, Hug Wolves have a habit of hugging people with unwanted affection. This mirrors real-life sexual harassment as molesters don't respect their victim's personal space and constantly overstep their boundaries. The psychological damage this inflicts is shown with Cinnamon Bun's both fear of Finn and physical pain after the overzealous hugs. When an angry mob starts chanting "NO MORE HUGS! NO MORE HUGS!", a background voice cries out "Without consent!" — further lampshading this.
  • Funny Background Event: Princess Bubblegum is seen randomly chasing a cat the morning after Finn's first Hugwolf rampage.
  • Horror Hunger: G-rated parody, as the transformed Finn is compelled to hug people.
  • Jump Scare: The original Hug Wolf turns out to have been corrupted by the Blight Tree, and suddenly transforms into a tree monster right as the episode ends.
  • Magic Pants: Appears in Finn's transformation into a Hug Wolf.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: The Hug Wolves have heart-shaped hands and feet and compulsively hug people. They transmit their curse not by biting but by hugging under the moonlight, though it needs to be an Alpha Hug Wolf for the infection to spread. Furthermore, Hug Wolves can be corrupted by other kinds of evil magic (such as the Tree of Blight's flames), but their Hug Wolf curse seems to block out the apparition of any symptom and so, the second curse remains dormant. Finally, if a Beta Hug Wolf "out-hugs" an Alpha Hug Wolf's hug, both wolves are purified.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Jake says to the Tree of Blight, right before he sets it ablaze, "When you see the Wicker Devil in Tree Afterlife, tell him Jake says 'Hello'!"
  • Samus Is a Girl: Throughout the episode, Finn and Jake refer to the Hug Wolf as a "wolfman". However, once Finn and the original Hug Wolf are both cured, the latter turns out to be a lady. More perceptive viewers are likely to figure it out earlier seeing the Alpha Hug Wolf's voice is quite acute in a different way Finn's voice (he's a boy in his early teens) is.
  • Takes One to Kill One: It turns out if a beta hug-wolf can overcome and out-hug the alpha, both of them will go back to normal.
  • Torches and Pitchforks: Jake leading the Candy People in the hunt for the original Hug Wolf.
  • Viral Transformation: The basic werewolf concept; those embraced by the original Hug Wolf beneath the light of a full moon will be turned into one as well.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: Finn has this reaction after he wakes up from his wolf-induced rampage.
