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Quotes / Videogame Cruelty Punishment

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"Well, gee. I feel a little guilty now."

"What the fuck is a giant seahorse doing out there? Fuck that thing, too! Get the fuck outta here, seaho—OH HOLY SHIT IT BREATHES LIGHTNING I'M SORRY I'M SORRY AAAAAAAAAAA— [game over]"
Noah Antwiler on Ultima: Runes of Virtue

Dunkey: [shooting at baby gorilla] Hehehe! It's a little gorilly! You little idiot! Why're you so small? Ha!
[sees mama gorilla]
Dunkey, "How to Play Fallout 4"

"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening featured a mechanic that made it incredibly easy to shoplift. You could walk into item shops, pick up whatever you wanted and run out without paying a single rupee (this same mechanic is featured heavily in real life).

To discourage players from stealing (despite giving them the ability to do so in the first place), the game would first scold you. Then, your name would suddenly change from 'PUSSYHAMMER' to 'THIEF'."

"None of this would have happened if you just stopped."
Conrad's hallucination, Spec Ops: The Line

"Anyone who would kill a man of the cloth doesn't deserve to play this game. Therefore, we will end it."
Narrator, King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne, if you have Graham kill the monk in the church

"You feel like you are going to have a bad time…"
— Narration during the Final Boss of a Genocide Run, Undertale

"You're a monster, Corvo! You've killed all of them... I'm going to alert the Loyalists that you're coming."
Samuel the Boatman, Dishonored, in the leadup to the final level of a High Chaos run (unless, of course, you kill him in time).

Wh—what?!?! Gwaah!!! You little hairball!!! You think I wasn't gonna read what you wrote there? You oughta be ashamed of yourself! You worm! You keep on like this, we're gonna be here for a long, LONG time. You readin' me?
Mr. Resetti, Animal Crossing

"You are under arrest for the murder of an innocentnote . The penalty is death. Your family will be questioned about their involvement. The border will remain open under a replacement inspector. Glory to Arstotzka."

"Ugh... That being said... You, uh, really like swinging that thing around, huh? Listen. I know you didn't answer me before, but somewhere in there. I can feel it. There's a glimmer of a good person inside of you. The memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing. Someone who, in another time, might have even been... a pal? C'mon, buddy. Do you remember me? Please, if you're listening... Let's forget all this, ok? Just lay down your weapon, and... Well, my job will be a lot easier."

"Welp, it was worth a shot. Guess you like doing things the hard way, huh?"
Sans, Undertale

"Resetting your progress means consciously choosing not just to subject all the characters to the events of Undertale all over again, but to reset your own progress in learning about stories and growing because of them, because you clearly haven't learned anything. You've become just like Flowey.

"Originally, I was gonna talk quite a bit about the Genocide Route, but I think that would've been a mistake. For those who don't know, the so-called "Genocide Route" is the alternate ending where you kill every possible enemy instead of making friends with every possible enemy. See, in plumbing Undertale's depths in order to find the mythical "real" true ending where you can save Asriel, or find out all the lore details like whatever W. D. Gaster is supposed to be, you sacrifice actually learning something about yourself from the game. The Genocide Route is a trap— the same one that Alphys, Mettaton, Asriel, Asgore and a bunch of other people fell into. It requires you to treat Undertale like a regular RPG, closing yourself off not just to the evidence to the contrary, but all the monsters telling you to stop, and even your own lack of fun. The combat in Undertale is… really boring. And you have to do a lot of it in the Genocide run to get to even start reaching new content.

"That new content is a revamped Undyne fight, and a whole new final boss battle against Sans. They're… okay, I guess, but most of the difficulty, particularly in the Sans battle, comes from the janky controls that were never really built for fighting in the first place, and that’s kind of the point: you aren't supposed to be doing the Genocide run. And your reward for beating Sans? You don't even get the catharsis of killing Flowey yourself, the game takes away control there. And then you're treated to an encounter with the first fallen child, which… doesn't answer any plot questions, and permanently taints your save file, ruining any future Pacifist endings with a violent twist.

It's a hollow, frustrating, pointless experience Undertale did everything it could to stop you from playing. But it can’t make you grow. It can't make you change. Only you can. But instead, you've tried to find a lesson in Undertale, when it makes clear it wants you to find one in yourself."

Highly Toxic Lump of Coal
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Dota 2, Frostivus 2023 event, for players violating Steam's TOS during this time period
