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Quotes / Uncle Tomfoolery

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The power of the racist image tramples over the material and asserts only itself.

Chakotay’s spirituality doesn’t feel fully-formed or deeply personal. Instead, it seems more like a party trick he uses to casually entertain colleagues.

"The worst aspect of the [Harlem Globetrotters] is that they affirm in the minds of whites—particularly youngsters—the stereotype of the black man as lazy, mischievous, and mentally inferior. On the court, the ideal Globetrotter exudes no pride or self-respect. He gallops about with high-stepping strides, loosing shrill jungle sounds, clapping his hands, waving his long arms, and grinning to show his teeth. He is the vaudeville blackface, Stepin Fetchit in jockstrap. He pulls sneaky tricks (like walking with the ball) on the white referee, shows off his athletic prowess, calls his friends by foolish names like 'Meadowlark' and 'Goose,' and gives the impression that he is a devilish adolescent, full of 'natural' talent, but in need of mature handling."
Foul! The Connie Hawkins Story by David Wolf

"In this movie, a black guy is accidentally put in charge of an advertising firm, and then revolutionizes the business with the built-in irreverent street wisdom all black guys in movies have. Since then, about 10 movies identical to it get made every year. Because like my college textbook said, years of research into marketing and advertising will never be as successful as a noisy man who likes to dance and says 'motherfucker!' at the end of all his sentences."

"As much as I love to see Richard Roundtree getting work, there's no getting around it: the old junk-man who can produce anything you need because it 'Fell Off the Back of a Truck' has got to be the most uncomfortable cliché in the entire film."
