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Quotes / Trrrilling Rrrs

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"For the futurrrrre, monsieur!"
Murder Legendre, White Zombie

"I'll have to give myself a PRRRROMOTION!"

"You have 23 hours before the piss drrrroplllllets hit the fucking Earth!"
Alfred Coleman as Dr. Eggman, Real-Time Fandub

Bana: "This is secret weapon based on blueprints of Lila... Gigantic Artificial Blade: Rrrrrrrrrosa! Ahahaha!"
Dromarch: "You enlarged the design? Incredible."
Bana: "Wahahah! Now, you all bow before the power of Bana! Go get them, Rrrrrrrrrrrrosa!"

"Purrrrre polyesterrrrr would have turned bald-headed friend into office flunky for sure, if caught round neck."''

"I hear it has the most frrrrragrant aroma."
