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Quotes / This Is Your Brain on Evil

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"Sanity... is for the WEAK!"
Various followers of Chaos, Warhammer 40,000

True Dhar must be actively wrestled into shape, requiring supreme strength of mind, a megalomaniacal self-confidence, and an absolutism of will and purpose that only Humans of true or borderline insanity could ever hope to possess. Even the most sane and balanced person exposed long enough to the malign energy of True Dhar will become psychotic, absolutely self-obsessed, and completely uncaring of other living creatures.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Realms of Sorcery

Ringo "Pumpkin": Forget it, it's too risky. I'm through doing that shit.
Yolanda "Honey Bunny": You always say that, the same thing every time. "I'm through, never again, too dangerous."
Pumpkin: I know that's what I always say. I'm always right too.
Honey Bunny: But you forget about it in a day or two.
Pumpkin: Yeah, well the days of me forgetting are over, and the days of me remembering have just begun.
—The opening lines of Pulp Fiction, discussing armed robbery
