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Quotes / Spaceship Girl

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"You're dating the ship? But that would be like me dating a really fat woman. And I'd live inside of her. And she'd be all like 'Swoooosh! Budda-budda-budda-budda!'"
Fry, Futurama

Amy: She's the TARDIS?
Doctor: And she's a woman. She's a woman... and she's the TARDIS.
Amy: Did you wish really hard?
Doctor: [embarrassed] Shut up, not like that.
Idris/TARDIS: Hello. I'm... "Sexy".
Doctor: [groans] ...still shut up!

Shepard: I notice you're calling EDI "her" and "she" now. [...] I think you're taking the human-machine interface a little far.
Joker: I'm just havin' a little fun with you, Commander. No need to get all "Unnatural!" on me.
EDI: What Jeff and I are exhibiting is more a platonic symbiosis than hormonally-induced courtship behavior.
Joker: Okay, yeah, that was a little creepy.

Tom: From now on, I promise — no more affairs with strange ships.
B'elanna: What about the Delta Flyer?
Tom: We're just friends.
