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Quotes / Princess Chroma

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—"Dear Toilet Scrubber; My Master has come back for me. Don't bother trying to rescue her. She has me now. I'll take care of her. P.S. U SUX KILL URSELF!"" —The Shade, leaving a note for Spiders

—"No matter what may I do, I can't plug every leak. The harder I try to hide her secrets, the more suspicious she will seem. So if the truth cannot be hidden...then I will ensure that the truth is impossible to believe. Her reputation will ensure her safety. She'll be whatever they need her to be. An altruist. A celebrity. A diplomat. And if that is somehow not enough to protect her least I can count on one person to stand by her." —King Brunswick, to Leopold, regarding how he plans to "market" the original Chroma and her dark powers
