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The Haggunennons of Vicissitus Three have the most impatient chromosomes of any life-forms in the galaxy. Where as most races are content to evolve slowly and carefully over thousands of generations — discarding a prehensile toe here, nervously hazarding another nostril there, the Haggunennons would do for Charles Darwin what a squadron of Arcturan Stunt-Apples would have done for Sir Isaac Newton. Their genetic structure, based on the quadruple-striated octo-helix, is so chronically unstable, that far from passing their basic shape onto their children, they will quite frequently evolve several times over lunch. But they do this with such reckless abandon that if, sitting at table, they are unable to reach a coffee spoon, they are liable without a moments consideration to mutate into something with far longer arms — but which is probably quite incapable of drinking the coffee.

Tabletop Game

At 20th level, the shapeshifter's body becomes an amorphous, mutating wonder. The duration of shapeshift changes to permanent. Any form the shapeshifter takes with shapeshift, shapeshifter trick and minor shapeshift is considered her base form, her transformations can't be seen through by any magic (like True Seeing) and her body, unlike her changed equipment, doesn't radiate a magic aura. Her body does not revert after death: there is nothing to revert to.
Dungeons & Dragons (homebrew content)

As a changeling, consider that your ability to shapechange is a natural reflex for you. It doesn’t have to be used for impersonation or deception. You can change your hair color or style on a whim, shift your eye color to suit your mood, even create artistic patterns on your skin. When you make a face to express an emotion, it can be any face. Are you making a rude gesture? Well, what sort of hand do you want to use to do it? Shapeshifting gives you many creative opportunities; don’t be afraid to use them!
Exploring Eberron
