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Quotes / Overlord Jr.

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Chip is played by Andrew Bryniarski — who would go on to play Leatherface in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake — and he is basically just a kid doing a hilarious impression of Christopher Walken, while actually talking to Christopher Walken.
Chris Sims and David Uzumeri on Batman Returns

I assume you are actually asking whether Flemeth herself gave birth to me. Truly, I do not know. I once asked Flemeth that very question and she merely laughed at me. 'Tis not inconceivable that she could capture a Chasind man, or perhaps change to a more attractive form to attract him willingly. I find it more difficult to imagine her with child.
Morrigan, Dragon Age: Origins

I am el presidente. Which means that, someday, you will be el presidente. And our people... they do not know how to be happy. They are torn apart by opinions, noise, indecision... strangled by their own freedoms. And even if you have love in your heart, even if you want what's best for them, if you only want to save them from themselves... they will hate you, Diego. Everything you say, do, believe... will be wrong. They will answer you with screams, call you evil, a monster... and give you this.
(indicates a grenade clasped in his son's hands, with the words "Muerte A Castillo" written on it)
So, you tell me, are you evil? And are you a monster? Because our country is like this grenade, except it has two basic parts: our people... and you. And you must clutch them nice and tight, or we all go boom. Do you understand now?... Prove it...
Anton Castillo, to his son Diego, Far Cry 6

Agatha: So what you're telling me is that you - Gilgamesh Wulfenbach - the person next-in-line to the despotic, iron-fisted rule of the Wulfenbach Empire - have got no weapons powerful enouh to destroy those things. That's just great. What kind of an Evil Overlord are you going to be, anyway?
Gil: Apparently a better one than I'd thought...
