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Quotes / Manly Tears

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"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

"Men grow stronger through their tears."
Koyomi Shirakawa, Da Capo

"Death surrounds me. Yet, in my head I hear something that sounds like angels!
Lo, I have found the Holy Grail of firepower!
Mine eyes can but weep as they bear witness to the majesty... The BFG 9000!"
Doom (comic)

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief... and unspeakable love."

"Crying does not make you weak. It simply shows that you are strong enough to know when to show your emotions, or when you've been so strong for too long that you've reached a breaking point. Believe me, I have cried many times. Enough to last me a lifetime, really. I last cried a few days ago, when my father departed this world."
Jonathan Joestar, Jonathan Joestar, The First JoJo

"Have you ever been in love with a man who's sensitive?
Have you ever been in love with a man who cries?
Well that's me: I'm sensitive.
And I cry. I'm crying right now.
In a manly way."
Jonathan Coulton, "Soft-Rocked by Me"

"I am man enough to cry
Hearts are burning
I am man enough to cry"
Accept, "Man Enough to Cry"

"Jesus wept."
The Bible, John 11:35

"In a baw thread, we cry. We cry not to prolong our sadness, but to purify our souls. If the wounds of an open heart are sealed shut with cynicism, hatred, envy and rage, then that heart is only ever again capable of expressing those destructive feelings. Yet if those wounds are instead cleansed by open and honest tears, then it may truly heal. We cry simply for the hope that we can again know joy. In baw threads, we hold our tears up for our /b/rothers to see, and surrounded by each other's tears like twinkling stars in the night sky, we know that we have all been lied to, that we have all been hurt. For this reason, we know we are not truly alone, and in this a healing may begin."
Anonymous 4chan Post

"You can tell by the tears
He's a warrior who cries"
Jamiroquai, "Supersonic"

Panini: Chowder, are you crying?
Chowder: No! Only girls cry! Men weep!

"Real men cry! My mama always said, 'Never trust a man who don't cry.'"
Mr. T (reportedly)

"Crying okay. Me want cry. Like a real boy."
Robotboy, "Crying Time"

It wasn't dew and it wasn't grief either, if his hunch was right. It was a thing that happened to the Superintendent himself occasionally and happened to the lads too, even the hardest; it crept up on didn't break down or beat your chest or any of those histrionics. No. You just happened to put your hand to your face and find it damp and you wondered what the hell Christ bothered to die for, if He ever died at all.

We cry not out of sorrow, but rather that we might again know joy.
Anonymous 4Chan poster (Paraphrased)

"I will not say 'do not weep'; for not all tears are an evil."

As recently as the 19th century, male tears were actually celebrated as a sign of honesty, integrity and strength. And not in the "you're brave enough to show your weakness" way, but just as a symbol that you actually gave a crap. And it probably also meant you were confident that no one would mock you, since you had just won a battle or torn the limbs off of a monster with your bare hands.

Twilight Sparkle: Are you crying?
Shining Armor: No, it's...liquid pride. Totally different thing.

"It's a real soldiers' song: sentimental, with dirty bits. As I recall, they used to sing it after battles," [Vimes] said. "I've seen old men cry when they sing it," he added.
"Why? It sounds cheerful."
They were remembering who they were not singing it with, thought Vimes.

So weak. Did you make me weak? Thinking of you? Holding myself, and spilling useless buckets of salt over your... ending.

Macduff: He has no children. All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?
Malcolm: Dispute it like a man!
Macduff: I shall do so; but I must also feel it as a man!
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene III

Rory (reunited with Amy and their daughter Melody): I was gonna be cool. I wanted to be cool, look at me...
Amy: Crying Roman with a baby. Definitely cool.
Doctor Who: "A Good Man Goes to War"

All heroes cry. Not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long

"Oh, don't look so shocked. I cry sometimes. It relieves stress."
Hades, Anthesteria

"Well, cat got your tongue? Are you so surprised to discover that I'm human? Even shinobi are human. No matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact we always fail. Well, at least I have failed."
Zabuza crying over Haku's death, Naruto

"Goodbye Vegeta. You're not as cold hearted as you believed yourself to be. A heart of stone can't shed tears like you did — you must have been holding them back your whole life. [....] You had the fiery will of a Saiyan; please share that with me now, because I need it."
Goku, paying his respects to Vegeta as he buries him on Namek, Dragon Ball

"Don't hold back. If you want to cry, you should cry as much as you like."
May, consoling a distraught Hiroto, Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE

"Aw, man, here come the waterworks..."
Sylvain Jose Gautier, Fire Emblem: Three Houses

"So I cried. Doesn't make me less of a man."
Kazuma Kiryu, Yakuza 2

There was no pretending normal then. Dad hugged Kevin and me, and I could see he was crying. So I whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, Dad—we'll invent another kind of family." And we will. I know we will.
Max Disaster #1: Alien Eraser to the Rescue
