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Quotes / Malevolent Masked Men

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What face will you put on today?
One like mine with painted cheeks and lighted lips?
One of mirth and joy?
Or perhaps one of scowl and thunder
With sour frowns of jilted boys
I have different faces for different days
One for work and one for play
A face for eating ice cream floats
Another for slitting lover's throats
Each unique, yet each the same
Each a face to face the day!
The Masked Mute, Fall of Cthulhu: The Gathering

The two caterers who came in the white truck are standing by the driver's door, talking and waiting for me to open the utility area. Both of them are wearing rubber hoods shaped into pig faces. The pig faces are supposed to be smiling, but they look like the faces in dreams that wake you up with a scream.
Doll Hands, by Adam L G Nevill

Lizabeth: Darren, we better turn around.
Darren: Why?
Lizabeth: Because I've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.

"Sir! Did you know the vampires aren't vampires at all? They're wankers in masks!"
Plat soldier, Unsounded

Blanka, Street Fighter IV

He's coming up the street
His shadow stretching from his feet
Into my heart, it's beating faster
He's the Pump-kin Head Guy!
What's behind the mask?
Life comes and goes away too fast
For me to even ask
He's the Pump-kin Head Guy!
Night in the Woods, "Pumpkin Head Guy"

"Sometimes them burglars wear Halloween masks! They scare the poop outta ya!"
Grandpa Putterman, TerrorVision

Jason Voorhees doesn't talk; he admittedly has something related to a personality since we see repeatedly that he is motivated by the image of his mother, but he doesn't speak, and his face is usually hidden by a mask. The same thing goes for Michael Myers: face hidden, no voice. They're menacing because without that identity that we can assign to them, no real humanity that we can put our fingers on, they become less a human being that we are dealing with, but a force of nature: monstrous and terrible and frightening.

Greg: Jess? ...Jess? Jess, what are you doing? What are you-what... what is this? Why are you-wha-what are you wearing?
Killer Jess: I don't want you to see my face.
Greg: Why...?
Killer Jess: Because this is not me. I'm somewhere out there on the upturned yacht and you're with me. And after I kill you, we'll return.
