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Quotes / Level Grinding

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Anime and Manga

Natalie: Level 99?! You are seriously strong!
Azusa: Nah, that can't be right, that thing must be broken. Slimes are the only thing I've beaten, and they're super weak. I can't have nearly eleven million experience points!
Natalie: No, I think it's right! You've been beating slimes every single day, 365 days a year, for 300 years, correct? [...] Four times 25 times 365 times 300 equals... 10.95 million!
Azusa: Whoa, I know slow and steady wins the race, but...


Six long months I spent in Dublin,
Six long months doing nothing at all,
Six long months I spent in Dublin,
Learning to dance for Lanigan's ball.
I stepped out: I stepped in again:
I stepped out: I stepped in again:
I stepped out: I stepped in again,
Learning to dance for Lanigan's ball.
— "Lanigan's Ball", old Irish song

You've got so much XP to earn
(So get your ass out there and grind)

Web Animation

"Robot, I have a feeling this going to take a while..."
Boy after getting 2 EXP from kicking a bunny to death, Boy and Robot: Epic jRPG Quest


"Well, when I gain a level, that makes me happy. But then I see that the bar is empty, and that makes me sad. It's okay though, because if I keep playing I can fill them up again and again!"

"I'm going to further the plot, call me when you're done beating up defenseless animals."
Ardam, Adventurers!, p.1

"Even the small amount of fighting experience earned from beating up children can get you to level 99 if you grind hard enough.
Let's beat up one million children."

Web Video

Fang: They used to say the Arks had a more practical purpose. Yeah, to force l'Cie to master their shiny new powers.
Lightning: Okay, so, I get it. Dysley's goal is to forge us into stronger weapons. Right.
Hope: Think of it as training for the fight ahead.
The Spoony One: Okay, come here, listen. This is what just happened: The writing in this game is so bad that the characters just flat out told you that the purpose of the next five to seven hours is to grind levels.

''As you grind your way from 1; all the way to Level 60. I mean 70. Okay, 80. 90? 100? How the F*ck am I supposed to do that?!

"I just killed snails for 20 minutes, now I'm ready to take on Satan."

You see, Girlie, you may think you got me all figured out, but there is one thing you didn't account for: My numbers; are bigger than yours! Funny thing really, get to a high enough level and; you're basically untouchable. My wounds heal faster than you can make them. We could do this all day, and you would not be any closer to beating me. Not that it wouldn't be fun. But, I've got good news. You see, there's no need to wonder where you're God is: Cause he's right here! And he's fresh out of mercy...

Western Animation

Anais: Wait! We can't go yet! We don't have enough [XP] to fight the boss
Gumball: Then We'll do the thing that makes up most RPGs — grind!
Anais: What's that?
Gumball: Fighting menial enemies until we're stacked.
