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Literature / Zozu the Robot

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Zozu the Robot is a 1973 Sci-Fi book written by Diana Carter, published in 1979 by Penguin.

Part of the canon of books used by British schools during the 1980s and 1990s, it was often used as a way to teach about imaginative thinking and creativity as a set text.

Tropes found in Zozu the Robot:

  • Another Dimension: The children enter another dimension, which is notable for its resident The Eye who is quite creepy. It's so far removed from Earth in setting.
  • Cyclops: The Eye is a unique example of this, being an eye on a stalk in a marsh; most Cyclops tend to be giants, but this one is in keeping with the setting.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The Eye is one of several antagonists they have to defeat.
  • Kid Hero: The two protagonists have a journey through time and space and the race is to get home.
