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Quotes / Kill and Replace

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John: Listen, we gotta get her outta there.
T-800: Negative. The T-1000's highest probability for success will now be to copy Sarah Conner and await for you to make contact with her.
John: Great. What happens to her?
T-800: Typically the subject being copied is terminated.

"The Mysterons, sworn enemies of Earth, [possess] the ability to recreate an exact likeness of an object or person. But first, they must destroy."

SpongeBob: What do you think you're doing, doodle?!

(Police sirens are heard in the distance) "You see, they're not coming to save you. They're coming to save me."
Eobard Thawne, The Flash (2014), "Tricksters"

"We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. You wanted to be a queen. To sit next to a handsome young king on the Iron Throne. I wanted to be a knight. To pick up a sword like father and go off to battle. Neither of us got to be that other person, did we? The world doesn't just let girls decide what they are going to be. But I can now. With the faces I can choose. I can become someone else. Speak in their voice, live in their skin. I can even become you. (picks up Valyrian steel dagger and walks slowly towards Sansa) I wonder what it would feel like to wear those pretty dresses. To be the Lady of Winterfell. All I'd need to find out... is your face."
"Once I kill you, everyone will think I'm the real Homer! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Homer Simpson while beating up a dummy of himself in The Simpsons

"This face... This voice... It’s not mine. It belongs to him. So long as he exists, I’ll just be nothing but his inferior version, never allowed to live a normal life. That’s why my next move will be to kill him and take his place."

'Why can't you be more like Erebus?' Now, you see, thoughts like this have a terrible power. I took her words to heart. I pondered them. And I thought to myself: why can't I be more like Erebus? I was thinking the same thing as I garrotted that young man. I might even have said the words out loud as I twisted the string and watched his eyes bulge and pop.
Erebus, Horus Heresy: Child of Chaos
