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Quotes / Informed Attractiveness

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"Our lead character is Clay who, much like Jesus, is a carpenter. Though he has more in common with a regular carpenter, considering he's as appealing as a hairy ass crack!"
The Cinema Snob on Old Fashioned

At this point, Terry Long is just completely inexplicable. I mean, obviously they were setting him up as some kind of smooth-talking Casanova, but there’s absolutely nothing there to back it up, unless Marv Wolfman and George Perez were laboring under the impression that sexy coeds were just waiting for older dudes with puffy beards, shirts carefully unbuttoned to reveal graying chest hair and pop culture references that were stale even at the time to come sweep them off their feet. Then again, I guess comics are largely based in escapist fantasy. I just wish they weren’t fantasies for total creeps.
Chris Sims on Terry Long, "The Worst Couples in Comics"

This match is so boring that if you showed it to two slugs having sex, they would be too bored to finish. This is exacerbated by the fact that Kimberly Page is wandering around the ring in a tutu, acting completely aroused by Ed Leslie's ass from start to finish. The kayfabe idea that Ed Leslie went backstage and nailed Kimberly Page after this match is an injustice to human kind.
Cewsh on WCW Uncensored 1996

Strangely everybody seems to be beguiled by this woman which leads me to believe that love is blind after all...Am I the only person who wanted to see Phoebe’s face spit out of the fax machine that's sending Scully the composite picture of the killer?
Joe Ford on The X-Files, "Fire"

Obviously our cultural standards of beauty differ.
Senbei Norimaki, Dr. Slump

Shroeder: [about the Little Red-Haired Girl] Wow, she's pretty!
Lucy: She's not that pretty.
