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Quotes / I Don't Know Mortal Kombat

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Blanc: Wait. Hold on!... What just happened?
Angie: Blanc, I saw you go in the engine room. You're the imposter. We all know it! Case closed. We're done.
Blanc: I don't understand this at all. So Angie caught me... and now the game's just over?
Steve: Sorry, Blanc, you're thrown out of the airlock. It's a no-brainer.
Kareem: I gotta say, "The World's Greatest Detective"... I thought you'd be better at this.
Blanc: I think maybe this game's just not my thing...

Jimmy Fallon: ...but one of my favorite things ever was this. It was the Nintendo 64 video game GoldenEye. And this is... this is one of the best video games of all time.
Pierce Brosnan: It is a good one. It was extremely popular. ...I was no good at it. I played it once and shot myself in the foot.

Congratulations! You've completed the most difficult surgeries ever devised. However, remember that you're not actually a doctor, so you shouldn't perform a surgery in real life. ...Unless, of course, you are a doctor. In which case, we would advise you not to tell your patients how many times it took you to beat a game about surgery.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
