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Quotes / Hollywood Heart Attack

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Narrator: As the horrendous Black Beast lunged forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless. When suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack!
Animator: URK! (keels over his chair, dead)
Narrator: (as the Black Beast fizzles out) The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue.

Good lord, I think I'm about to have a coronary arrest.

"Heart attack! Oh no!" (passes out)

"Can't breathe! Left arm's numb! Can't go on describing symptoms much longer!"
Comic Book Guy, The Simpsons

"JARED! CALL MY DOCTOR AND DOUBLE ALL MY PRESCRIPTIONS! I'm in the red here, folks! Eyewitnesses have confirmed that there is no longer just one Spider-Man, but TWO OF THEM! I MEAN, ONE IS BAD ENOUGH, BUT I'M HAVING A HARD TIME DEALING WITH THE IDEA OF MULTIPLE MENACES SWINGING THROUGH OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY! IT'S JUST… IT'S JUST… Jared, I might be having a heart attack… I need to lie down, folks. No, don't call an ambulance! IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE! CALL A CAB! I have a coupon in my wallet… DON'T GO IN MY WALLET, JARED! I'LL DO IT! I'LL DO IT!"

If God had wanted me to live, he would not have created a heart attack!
RED Soldier, STBlackST
