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Quotes / Good Powers, Bad People

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"And who else has the ability to heal Gems, other than the villainous Rose Quartz?"
Eyeball Ruby, representing Homeworld's perspective, Steven Universe

The Medicus never fled with the others. He stayed on in what was by then East Germany, under the Communists, protected less by the church than by his skills, this miracle he had, this miracle of healing.
And the Communists used him just the way the Nazis had, just the way, Spit presumes, (later, as she and Whirlwind depart the apartment and the police sirens and make their way, anonymously, to the airport) that the Americans would use his now. She saw the photographs, the witness testimonies.
The way he'd kept the prisoners alive, through the worst of it all: the torture, the medical experiments, how he could keep them going long past the point where they would have died, healing them over and over with just a touch, to be kept alive, to be kept in pain, until their minds couldn't cope anymore and they went gibbering mad - but still healthy, still alive, for all they wanted by then was to simply not be anymore.
Heroes, by Lavie Tidhar

"Dr. Stiiiiles... Do you know what else the "Healing" Touch is good for...? It's also good for... KILLING!"
Adel Tulba, Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

Where Aekold walks, the grass springs green and meadow flowers blossom. When he walks upon desert sands and stony rocks, the land bursts into life as he passes. Any living thing he touches springs into new and vigorous growth. The long-dead wood of doors and staves takes root upon his touch. His touch can restore to health creatures that are upon the threshold of death, for such is the power of the Breath of Life. [...]
While lifegiving is the gift of Aekold, he slays his opponent without pity or care for their life, for he knows all life is but an endless dance of change, dictated by Tzeentch, the Master of Fate.
Warhammer: Champions of Chaos Army Book (5th edition)

"Before you rises a cathedral of diabolical genius! Scary, but in the wrong hands, this Iceberg Lair could do much... goodness in the world."
Dr. Neo Cortex, Crash Twinsanity
