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Quotes / Game Mod

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slowbeef: Or maybe he's mad at all these ROM hackers. Like, "Look guys, Super Mario World was, like, friggin' almost two decades ago now."
Dave_O: Mario's like "Do you know how many games I've been in already? And more? By you?"
Retsupurae on the root of Mario's anger in Mario's Mad Adventure, "Mad About Mario"

"Whoa. Is that a crab with a top hat and a monocle? That's where I draw the line. Come on Master Chief, let's get the fuck outta here."
Dunkey, playing a heavily-modded Skyrim

"But first I do want to say what a crazy feat this all is. First off, we have a Zelda mod that's actually finished. Wow, you can count those on one hand. That's crazy, right? If you've been following the channel for a while there's been some amazing people that have been working on mods and, despite their best efforts, you know, they may release a level of two, or a dungeon or two, or something like that, but a lot of it just kinda falls apart. And that's just kinda the story with fan projects: a lot of them get started with good intentions and they don't necessarily get done. So, nothing against them. They put some good work in, however it's just really refreshing to see a project that comes to fruition."
Bottles: Hey guys, who's ready for adventure?
Banjo: Wahey! At last, a brand new game!
Bottles: Err, not exactly. This is another Kurko Mods crossover! This time, between Banjo-Kazooie and Ocarina of Time.
"Welcome to the... second-greatest horde shooter ever, Left 4 Dead 2. A game that usually starts like 'Yeah! Shooting zombies with guns is fun!' and usually ends like 'I can't believe we shot Yoshi with a Smith & Wesson 500'."

Peppino: More... I need-a more Toppins for the perfect-a challenge! The pizza oven must bake MORE!
Peppino: Infinite laps!
Pizza Face: OH NO.
Peppino: While fighting all-a the bosses! (the bosses appear)
Pepperman: Where am I?
Vigilante: What in tarnation?
The Noise: Is it time to crush Peppino already?
Fake Peppino: Who aren't-a you people?
Peppino: AS AN EEVEE! (transforms into a visibly deranged Eevee)
Pizza Face: (wearing an "Oh, Crap!" Smile) YOU'VE LOST YOUR MIND.
Peppino: But I've found something-a SO MUCH-A BETTER!
