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Video Games

You're the last Space Marine left on Mars. Shoot anything that moves.

We're not going to explain why Max can shift time in his favor, maybe he enters a state of high concentration, like a fully-focused athlete in the "zone," and for him time seems to slow down, with adrenaline pumping through his veins forcing him into high gear. The bottom line is that Max can do it...
Max Payne game manual

The other side is the enemy. You've been hired to shoot their asses off.

In order to understand the game, this is the story to it (not much of a story, but enough to understand why you are doing what you are doing while playing the game)

"Wait, what? What do you mean there's lore in this game? You guys actually paid someone to write a story about Raynor meeting Diablo? Isn't this precisely what fan-fiction is for? I didn't approve any of this!"
Thrall from Warcraftnote , Heroes of the Storm

Web Original

The bad guy, cocky military pilot John Travolta (think Han Solo crossed with Vincent Vega), steals not one but two thermonuclear missiles; the good guy, heroic but untested Christian Slater (think nobody in particular — Slater's gun does his acting here), must outwit Han Vega and recover the missiles. The movie is infatuated with potency games and one-upmanship. Who's got the missile? …Yost's scripts are skeletons onto which gifted directors (Speed's Jan de Bont, and, in this case, the legendary John Woo) can graft meaty action sequences. But those hoping for witty dialogue, due to the presence of Tarantino alumni Travolta and Slater, are in for a dry evening. Yost can't get enough of lines like "We gotta get outta here!" and "We don't have time to discuss it!" (Quentin would have given them plenty of time.)
Rob Gonsalves on Broken Arrow (1996)

Obviously, this intro is far too cool for me to consider commenting on it. But I do wish I was in the room when the committee decided that the best way to rescue the president was to find two civilian punks. Did the secretary of defense stand up and say, "We can't spare the military personnel to rescue our president. So we'll just inspire a couple of street dudes to do it by questioning their badness. Easy."

The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped! Go beat everyone up.
The Cutting Room Floor on Final Fight

Once upon a time there were three people named Ar, Gee, and Bee. They lived happily together and agreed this game should be devoid of any meaningful long-term narrative.

Web Video

"This is the one action series where, by design, you don't need to waste time and weigh down the narrative with a bunch of convoluted bullshit for why he's going somewhere, getting into fights and then killing a bad guy. He does it because it's his fucking job! It's not even a duty or a calling. He gets paid for this shit! He has a licence for it — literally!"

My wife's been abducted, I have a flashlight, and this is a video game: Remastered.

"So the story of Doom 64 is... I don't care."

The story of Pacific Drive has a few layers, some thinner than others, like a poorly-crafted caramel slice. [...] But you know what? I'll take it. It'll do. Because all I want from the story is an excuse. It could just tell me that driving my car keeps the baby owls nesting in the carburetor warm, and that'd do, because driving the car is fun!

Real Life

At that time, however, even the distributors were questioning whether gags were enough to sustain a whole film and they started asking for more story. Walt, the greatest of storytellers, reacted in a surprising way. "By the time you have a story really started," he said, "it is time to iris out (end the picture), and you have failed to make the audience laugh." Obviously, in Walt's mind, the first priority in any film was the laughter, and too much story quickly became tedious. He never forgot that point throughout his whole life, constantly shying away from projects that had more continuity than entertainment.
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston on Walt Disney's story methods, "Too Funny for Words: Disney's Greatest Sight Gags" pg. 20

"Aliens are bad in this game! I know that. And so is Tiberium. Especially if it blows up. Or it they So there you have it."
