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Quotes / Early-Installment Weirdness

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"Oh please, Mandy. That didn't even look like us."
Grim, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, after a flashback to the pilot short.

The problem with the first series of Blackadder is that it wasn't very funny. It was confused, grandiose and expensive.
John Sergeant, presenting Blackadder's case for Britains Best Sitcom

The beginning of the Archie Sonic comics is arguably one of the darkest parts of the overarching story when you think about it, if not THE darkest part. These six freedom fighters? Sonic, Sally, et al.? That’s pretty much everyone who’s left. There are others elsewhere, but right here, right now, it’s just these six. All of their loved ones are either missing, enslaved, or turned into evil robots. Robotnik literally rules the entire planet at this point and is wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. The few that are left outside of Knothole are in constant danger of being painfully transformed into robots.


It's clear the writers hadn't mapped out a specific characterisation or plan for [Mona Simpson] early on. Like, the Mona we all know would never call Homer "a disappointment".

Des: Shape... shifting salt vampire? Please tell me this is not canon; it's beyond silly.
Kozar: It is canon. (eye roll) One of the earlier episodes.

The whole game becomes one extended case of this if you're more used to the Solid games. If you are, you will be familiar with Snake as a badass Shell-Shocked Veteran-slash-Cool Old Guy and accustomed to the heavy melodrama. It's jarring to pick up an earlier Metal Gear and see exactly what traumatized Snake into Heroic BSoD in Metal Gear Solid.
— Our page for Narm.Metal Gear

"Go back to the days before Marvel had this whole universe thing on autopilot, where our nerd boners would only get little tastes of fanservice, a sequel was only lightly implied instead of blatantly setting up five more movies, it put its post-credits scene before the credits, and didn't make a billion dollars. Agh, that's like Green Lantern money, ugh."

"So really, that's kind of strange for me to watch. It does make me cringe quite a bit. Very, very, very slow paced compared to what I do today. 'Tight' wasn't a Catchphrase yet; I wasn't saying that anything was 'tight,' something has to be 'tight' or it doesn't feel 'tight'- maybe I should have bleeped some of that sentence; I don't like how that sounded. And yeah, it's super short, the pacing is very slow, but I look at that kind of growth period of Pitch Meeting as exactly that; I was very much just figuring it out. All I knew was I was going to make fun of movies, and the characters kind of developed over time. It's like, one of my favorite shows is Parks and Recreation, but if you watch, like, the first season of Parks and Recreation, it feels like a completely different show. They were lucky enough to have the time to grow and find themselves over the course of several seasons. Not every show gets that opportunity; I'm really glad that I got to do that with Pitch Meetings."

The original on NES is pretty jank, to put that lightly. (pulls out a piece of paper) Where do I even begin?
