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Quotes / Early Game Hell

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After this level if you lose, it generally means you applied your tools poorly. On this level if you lose, it’s probably because the game didn’t give you the right tools for the job and you had to make do with duct tape and prayers.
Lets Player Melth, on the first level of Hector Hard Mode in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

There is absolutely nothing at all stopping you from going straight to the final fight after the tutorial… except for the little tiny fact that Link is mega twink material and is as fragile as my self-esteem, meaning you will most likely get obliterated the second you make eye contact with the castle.
Super Butter Buns, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: Breath of the Wild FOR BEGINNERS

If I hadn’t read up on it and been told by friends to give [The Witcher 3's] Death March [difficulty] an honest shot, I never would have known to try it. And even if I had decided to start with it unprompted, I would’ve changed difficulties almost immediately because the first encounter absolutely wrecked me. Like, I died over five times to these stupid ghouls. On Death March, they have the capability to take you out in just a few hits, and as you don’t have any notable gear or items, there are no advantages to lean on. Also, given my pretty simple experience on Story and Swords, I wasn’t used to needing to dodge so frequently or wait for openings to attack, so it took me a good while to get those things down. Had this been my first playthrough, I would have made the very fair assumption that I was in over my head, as dying so many times during what is for all intents and purposes still part of the tutorial is a pretty clear sign that you should turn the difficulty down. But in reality, Death March isn’t nearly as punishing as this first encounter makes it out to be. To be honest, I struggled more with this fight than any other I came across throughout my hundred-plus-hour playthrough, and the only thing that killed me more than these ghouls was gravity.
Razbuten, Difficulty is Weird
