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Quotes / Dub Name Change

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Kwazii: If this is from Japan, why do they all have English names?
Deborah: Uh, sometimes when they dub anime into English, they give the characters English names to go along with it. I think Imogen was called Izumi in the original Japanese version.
Junior Officers, "Anime"

Nerd: Haha! Fred Fucks? What kinda name is that? It's only funny if you know English, but anyways... Oh no, here comes FRED FUCKS! Mwahahaha!
— The Italian localization of the Compilation Re-release of The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures, lampshading an aversion of this trope

April: That joker again!
Rascal (originally named Joker): Close, but not cigar; the name's Rascal!
