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Quotes / Double Standard

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[Mafia member Vinny shoots a policewoman while fellow mobster Louie watches]
Louie: Jesus, Vinny. You just iced a woman, you know that?
Vinny: You know what you are, Louie? You're a fuckin' male chauvinist pig.
Louie: What do you mean, I'm a male chauvinist pig? You just shot a broad.
Vinny: A cop. I just shot a cop. They wanna be equal? I made her equal.

Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much, dear Mary Sue, if it weren't for the double standard. If a young man were to punch you because he found you 'annoying', you would be horrified. Quite rightly. But the idea that anyone might be rightly horrified at YOU punching a man for annoying you appears to be so revolutionary it's hardly worth countenancing. No, it's utterly okay for a girl to punch a guy. It's cool. It, you suggest, can even be funny. But if a guy punches a girl, that's abuse.
One question, Mary Sue:
Where's the difference?
If it's abuse when a man hits a woman, it's still abuse when a woman's doing the hitting.

I remember an artistic and eager lady asking me in her grand green drawing-room whether I believed in comradeship between the sexes, and why not. I was driven back on offering the obvious and sincere answer "Because if I were to treat you for two minutes like a comrade you would turn me out of the house."
What's Wrong With The World by G. K. Chesterton

Amanda: All I'm trying to say is that there are lots of things that a man can do and in society's eyes, it's all hunky-dory. A woman does the same thing — the same, mind you — and she's an outcast.
Adam: Finished?
Amanda: No. Now I'm not blaming you personally, Adam, because this is so.
Adam: Well, that's awfully large of you.
Amanda: No, no, it's not your fault. All I'm saying is, why let this deplorable system seep into our courts of law, where women are supposed to be equal?
Adam: Mostly, I think females get advantages.
Amanda: We don't want advantages! And we don't want prejudices!

True feminism means objectifying the other gender. Double standards, they're the best kind of empowerment!

I've made some notes, and it all boils down to "Mock a man, no one cares. Mock a woman, you're a sexist swine.

The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the trekkies the social outcasts?

Join swimsuit guy and his friends, swimsuits guys, as they embark on a heartfelt journey of I didn't watch the first season of this show, because it looked kinda gay. So, no thanks.
Join stripper girl and her friends, stripper girls, as they embark on a heartfelt journey of I didn't watch the first season of this show, because it didn't look gay enough. But now, I just might reconsider.

If [Twilight's Periphery Demographic] were 40 year old men screaming for 17 year old girls, they'd be on To Catch A Predator so fast it would make your head spin.

You just KNOW that if Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga were unknown artists, you'd be flamed for NOT liking them, not flamed FOR liking them,

"Sexism exists in advertising, whether it's showing a lady's curves on some fat dude for a beer commercial, or someone's trying to sell you a toaster because your husband's pretty much retarded. See, there ya go; sexism in advertising. It's so commonplace I don't really think it matters."
Philip DeFranco, on Dr. Pepper Ten's "It's Not for Women" slogan.

Talk about a double-standard! Every time I go after a busty dullard who can't tell time or thinks I'm the ghost of Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm shallow. But somehow it's okay for Robin to date a guy who can't be trusted around outlets. Dump him!

"Notice all the melon jokes, the bald jokes? I make one nose joke, it's OOOOOOOOHH!"
Colin Mochrie, after being booed for making a joke about Ryan Stiles' nose, even though he himself gets skewered for being bald and/or Canadian all the time, Whose Line Is It Anyway? (American edition)

Bobby: I just wanted to say you don't have to worry about me, 'cause I'm never gonna have sex.
Hank: Whoa, Bobby, now don't say that!
Bobby: I thought that's what you wanted.
Hank: Well, yes, if you were my daughter, but you're my son.
Bobby: Why is it not okay for girls, but it's okay for boys?
Hank: It's called the double standard, Bobby, and don't knock it. We got the long end of the stick on that one.

"You want to know what the most ironic double standard is out there? The fact that when it comes to pointing out these double standards, women are much more likely to have double standards affecting them negatively listened to or taken seriously... whenever a male points out how they are affected by a double standard, they're either laughed at, are told 'LOL Misandry stfu misogyny is worse', or are just told to stop whining... or 'shut up and take it like a man'. Which I find inherently ironic."

JJ: I will never understand this whole teacher-lover thing, I can barely deal with a grown man.
Rossi: What's interesting is, if it would've been a male teacher and a female student he'd've gotten twenty years and none of this would have happened.
JJ: Well she could get life plus twenty for all those murders she committed.
Reid: You know what's funny? If she wasn't so pretty she probably would never have been released in the first place.
Garcia: What?
Reid: It's true, unattractive female predators serve a longer prison sentence than their attractive counterparts.
Garcia: Wow, that's ridiculous.
Reid: It's primal, there's a heirachy to everything, including sex offenders.
Criminal Minds, ''I Love You, Tommy Brown"

Seriously, quit trying to handle my style
Unless you're a lady, in which case
You are cordially invited to have a giant slice of my style!
Strong Bad, "Handle My Style", Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People

Gordy: You see, Ned, fighting against a girl is a lose-lose situation.
Ned: What do you mean?
Gordy: Well, if you lose, *starts laughing* then you got beat up by a girl! But if you win, *sounds horrified* then, dude, you just beat up a girl!

Hortense: All these experts who're supposed to tell you what a woman is supposed to be like — they can't seem to say the same thing twice in a row!
If you use sex appeal, you're pandering to the patriarchy! If you're aren't sexy, you're repressed!
Women can take care of themselves! Women are victimized! Beware!
A liberated woman should pay her own way! A man who won't pay the tab is a leech!
You're a woman, you can be anything you want — except for this, that, and the other — at least for this week — and we'll update the list later without telling you!
Tuck: What? Feminism has double standards? Y'don't say...

Wouldn't it be nice to be like men and get notches in your belt and sleep with most attractive men and not get emotionally involved?

I believe in a reverse double standard in relationships. The woman should be free to explore casual affairs but the man should have to be faithful."
Patti McGuire, Playboy's Playmate of the Month for November 1976 and Mrs. Jimmy Connors.

"In what world do men and women pay the same price for passion? You'll be the one blamed. Indeed, people will assume you particularly... talented to have seduced such a religious man."
King Ghassan, The City of Brass

I'm so sick of running
As fast as I can
Wondering if I'd get there quicker
If I was a man
And I'm so sick of them
Coming at me again
'Cause if I was a man
Then I'd be the man
Taylor Swift, "The Man"

See, that's the thing, man. If it was a dude, if it...I'm sorry, but there is a double standard. Sometimes there is. Let that have been like, some dude, that killed like, some girl, then they'll be like "LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!", but a girl, she can cry when she wants...pretty, probably...Dang! Now this dude got a freaking...freaking X right on his freaking forehead!

"Boys and girls are wired differently. When your girlfriend swoons over another guy, it's okay, because you know she's not *actually* going to try something with him. But teenage boys are loose cannons. As soon as another girl gets his attention, he's as good as gone."

"If our mommies can wear pants and grown-ups can wear 'diapies', why can't we wear 'dressies'?"
Chuckie Finster, Rugrats, "The Clan of the Duck"

"Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots, because it's okay to be a boy, but for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, because you think that being a girl is degrading. But secretly you'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you? What it feels like for a girl?"
Julie, The Cement Garden

Halloween: Okay, we haven't cut anyone from the list; who else is coming in today?
New Years: Have we thought about Mother's Day?
Halloween: (angrily) Shame on you!
Easter: ...Father's Day?
Halloween: (calmly) Yeah, we could lose that.
Studio C, (Cutting Out Holidays)

"You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all part of the plan. But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!"
The Joker, The Dark Knight

Why is it that male characters are treated with more respect then female characters by the fandom? Seriously, a large portion of the male fandom seem to whittle down their characters to 'lol bewbs', and a large portion of the female fandom make them evil or dead because they get in the way of their yaoi fix. Obviously, I don't mean everyone or even most of the fandom; I'd like to think this is a minority.

But still, I ask a question – is this right? Is this an acceptable behaviour in modern times?
Halloween Unspectacular: Terror Australis Incognita, "An Open Letter to DeviantArt — Two Years On"

If you save yourself for marriage, you're a bore
If you don't save yourself for marriage, you're a horrible person
If you won't have a drink, then you're a prude
But they'll call you a drunk as soon as you down the first one

If you can't lose the weight, then you're just fat
But if you lose too much, then you're on crack
You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't
So, you might as well just do whatever you want
Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"

Men are called Silver Foxes if they have grey hair. We are mutton dressed as lamb if we wear short skirts. Men are called eligable bachelors if they are single, and we are just spinsters. If a woman gets a cat, she's a Crazy Cat Lady, and if a man gets a cat, he's just ... a man with a cat. And if men have no children, they're just men. If women have no children, they are abnormal, weird, unnatural, coldhearted, and the Wicked Stepmother in all the Disney films.
Anna Morris, Anna Morris: Kid-Life Crisis

There are dozens of examples where masturbation for women is held up as an empowering act, an important skill to learn. Hell, there's one movie where it literally brings colour to a dull black and white town, with so much energy that it sets a tree on fire. But when it's a man involved, he's invariably a dirty, pervy overly-horny creep who can't control himself.

On Halloween, nobody bats an eye if a girl dresses up as a specific male character. But boys can't dress up as female characters; that's not allowed.
Cassandra Gelvin, Don't Read This to My Kids

When a man hits a target, they call him a marksman. When I hit a target, they call it a trick. Never did like that much.
Annie Oakley

It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.

You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas. You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.

But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line.

It's too hard! It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault.

I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. And if all of that is also true for a doll just representing women, then I don't even know.
Gloria, Barbie (2023)
