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Quotes / Contractual Genre Blindness

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182. No figuring out the plot and killing the actual villain five minutes into the adventure.

Elan: I'm torn, because on one hand, I want to share something important that happened to me while we were apart... But on the other hand, bardic tradition demands that I withhold it all so that at some later point, you can accidentally learn an incomplete version and jump to all of the wrong conclusions – later leading to entertaining dramatic conflict later in our relationship.
Haley: So...what are you going to do?
Elan: Tell you everything. How are we supposed to get a happy ending if we can't be honest?

Elan: Nale! You're alive!
Nale: Of course I'm alive, you moron. What I can't figure out is how you didn't KNOW I was alive the whole time. You're the bard, surely you should have known that when the bad guy dies off-screen, he's not really dead unless you see the body. And half the time, not even then.
Elan: Yeah, but the hero always THINKS the bad guy is dead until he shows up again.
Nale: But... if you know that, then how can you be surprised... Why didn't you realize thinking I was dead was... I mean... Gah! I think I'm giving myself a migraine trying to understand the level of willful ignorance that requires!
Elan: First blood: ELAN!

For countless generations we have done things in a certain way. We can't just do everything differently now because it... "makes sense".

Chris: (to Rebecca) "Well, I'm gonna head over there now. Wanna come with?"
Rebecca: "Normally, yes. But... having a medic with you at all times in a Survival Horror game...?"
Senor Senior, Sr.: A proper villain always leaves his foe when he is about to expire.
Senor Senior, Jr.: Why?
Senor Senior, Sr.: Well, it would be bad form to just loll about, waiting for it!
Kim Possible, "Animal Attraction"

No Muttley, we can't win fairly! We are villains, ergo we have to cheat!
Dick Dastardly in the Wacky Races Forever pilot (while his car is three feet from the finish line)

Eddie: You mean to tell me you could have taken you hand out of that cuff at any time?!
Roger: No, not at any time. Only when it was funny.

Igor, the day vampires win all the time, that's the day we will be knocked back beyond return.
Count Magpyr explaining why vampires need to endure being beaten repeatedly, Carpe Jugulum

Bass: Isn't he the bad guy that's going to try to kill us all?
Proto Man: Yes, but we're not supposed to know that, so shut up.
