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Quotes / Code Name

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"Red five, standing by."
Luke Skywalker, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Gale: I told you not to use our names. Can't you try to keep from forgetting that?
Evelle: Not even our code names?
Gale: Oh yeah, right.
Evelle: Y'all hear that? We're using code names!

"Each of the Secret Service men has a code name—'Dapper', etc... She thought the names they chose for themselves very revealing. Only recently have I learned that their code name for Lee Radziwill was 'Rancidass.'"
Gore Vidal on Jackie Kennedy's security detail, Palimpsest

"Iron Man, Wild Goose! Sounds like a finger up a tin man's backside, doesn't it?"
Lt. Fynn, The Wild Geese
