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Quotes / Calling Card

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Harry: You left the water on again? That's sick.
Marv: All the great ones leave their mark. We're the "Wet Bandits." *awkward pause*

"Ron, You-Know-Who and his followers sent the Dark Mark into the sky whenever they killed. The terror it have no idea. Just imagine coming home and finding the Dark Mark hovering above your house and knowing what you're about to find inside. Everyone's worst fear...their very worst..."

Dick Shelton: This is a strange shaft.
Bennet Hatch: Ay, by my faith! Black, and black-feathered. Here is an ill-favoured shaft, by my sooth! for black, they say, bodes burial. And here be words written. Wipe the blood away. What read ye?
Dick Shelton: Appulyaird fro Jon Amend-All'. What should this betoken?
Bennet Hatch: Nay, I like it not. John Amend-All! Here is a rogue's name for those that be up in the world!

Fatman: Just wanted to leave my calling card.
Raven: What's that?
Fatman: A pile of smoking rubble.
Enemy Base: KABLOOEY

Actually, Stanley had been impressed when he first found out that his great-grandfather was robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow. True, he would have preferred living on the beach in California, but it was still kind of cool to have someone in your family robbed by a famous outlaw.
Kate Barlow didn't actually kiss Stanley's great-grandfather. That would have been really cool, but she only kissed the men she killed.
