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Quotes / Benevolent Conspiracy

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It is important that you remember this. It is your second lesson. The Foundation does not rule the world. The Foundation serves the world. Do you understand what that means? Regardless of what the general population might think it wants, what we do, what the Foundation does, is in the overall best interests of that general population.

Now our enemies are hidden behind crowns, working in the shadows of Kings and Queens. Who are the ones working in the shadows for the people? We are.
Bayek of Siwa, Assassin's Creed Origins

"Nobody knew anything, but you all just took it for granted that the government was stupidly bureaucratic, vicious, tyrannical, given to suppressing research for the hell of it. It never occurred to any of you that we were trying to protect mankind as best we could."
Director Araman, "The Dead Past"
