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The Announcer, Team Fortress 2

Due to many requests, added server ConVar "tf_overtime_nag". When set to 1, it keeps the broken announcer behavior

Originally, there was a bug in the game where the ball would occasionally bounce off of the bottom of the screen instead of going "ker-plunk". Somewhere along the way, that bug got fixed, but then I kind of missed it. So I intenionally (sic) programmed it back in. Some moment when you least expect it, the ball will bounce off of the bottom of the screen to save the day!
Mac Brickout release notes

Just...I'm sorry if I ever accused you of pointing a gun at me when you didn't actually do that. I was really stressed out.
Conrad Verner, Mass Effect 3

Bugs this big become features!

"Whenever we discover we have a bug which is used by the community we just see it as 'undefined behaviour' - and 'fix' it by making it a feature."
Minecraft dev blog, "Meet the Nitwit"

"If necessity is the mother of invention, then oversight is the grandma that feeds it until it gets too big to control."

5-Volt: Hey! What on earth are we going to do with this giant bug?
Wario: Hmmm... I say we leave it alone. It's grimy and stinky and messed everything up. Which makes it perfect for my level!
WarioWare: Get It Together!

You see, back when The Stanley Parable first launched in 2013, getting to the bottom of the Mind Control Facility was a bug that we simply didn't catch during development. And you all sent us lots of photos of it on Twitter and acted very superior about it and you're all very, very clever, good for you. Anyway, when it came time to update the game we knew that we had to do something about this little goof of ours. So... here you go! New content!
The Narrator, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
