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Quotes / Ambiguously Jewish

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Lone Starr: "That's all we needed; a Druish princess."
Barf: (Aside Glance) "Funny, she doesn't look Druish."

"Everyone thinks I'm Jewish. I'm not. Last year I got a call: "Happy Hanukkah." (Beat) I said "Ma, I'm NOT Jewish."
Joy Behar from HBO One Night Stand

"People keep asking me what my religous upbringing is— I should really start responding with *noncommittal shrug*"
Red,note  Overly Sarcastic Productions, "Holiday Tales: Hanukkah!"

"You know New York's Jewish when everyone is getting light in the blackout from their menorahs."
Alex Wolff, via Twitter just after Superstorm Sandy.

Ghost, when he is called Jewish by a Troll.

Lenny Turteltaub: She'll be devastated! Kaput! Kapleshky!
BoJack Horseman: Are you actually Jewish? Because I feel like some of these you're just making up.
BoJack Horseman, "Out to Sea"

"It hints in several places that he's Jewish. It never full-out says that, but it says that's [sic] he doesn't go to prayers at school and instead he has to sit by himself, and he doesn't eat bacon (the owner of the house is upset by the fact that he's wasting food but he refuses to eat the bacon without the book explaining why)."
Cassandra Gelvin on The Lion And The Unicorn, Don't Read This to My Kids
