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Quotes / AKIRA

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Electric Media dubbed version

Harukiya bartender: Hey, this isn't a dance hall, sport!
Yamagata: You got a bad attitude, Pops! Lighten up before your arteries harden. [to the nearest customer] Hey, man, that stuff'll stunt your growth!
Harukiya bartender: How many times do I have to tell you punks? At least he's a paying customer!
Yamagata: Then I won't tell him what's in it, huh?

Kodansha subtitled version

Harukiya bartender: You scared me. Be quiet.
Yamagata: Scared because you got a guilty conscience. Serve decent drinks.
Harukiya bartender: Order some. This is no waiting room.
Yamagata: Order that dog piss?

BBC subtitled version

Harukiya bartender: You gave me a fright bursting in like that.
Yamagata: That's because you've a guilty conscience. Serve regular drinks.
Harukiya bartender: Order some then. This isn't a waiting room.
Yamagata: Order your dog piss?

Animaze dubbed version

Harukiya bartender: Damn it, don't scare me like that! Open that damn door quietly!
Yamagata: You know, you wouldn't be so jumpy if you didn't have anything to hide! Why don't you sell some normal drinks for a change?
Harukiya bartender: How about buying something for once?! This ain't a hangout for damn street gangs!
Yamagata: Yeah, right! Drink your dog piss?!

Colonel Shikishima: That is the Akira you wanted to meet, Tetsuo! There is your messiah; the chosen one you were looking for! Not long after his transcendental awakening, his organs and tissues were subjected to every test known to modern science, he's dead. That's it. What you see now is all that is left of him. But the scientists of his time were unable to discover the source of his powers, so they entrusted it to future generations by preserving them in frozen capsules and locking them away. Are you satisfied now, Tetsuo?
Colonel Shikishima: Now, will you return to us?
Tetsuo: LIKE HELL!!!

Colonel Shikishima: Come back to the lab and receive proper treatment. If you don't, you will die.
Tetsuo: (laughs at him) You want me to enroll in your little kindergarten and live happily ever after, huh? Be quiet and do what you're told?! Take your medicine everyday and end up all shriveled like those KIDS?!

Cultist: That which is called science perverts providence! That which is called progress encourages extravagance! That which is called civilization devastates the spirit of man! The time of atonement is upon us, are your hearts prepared? The time is nigh! The time of his awakening is nigh! The moment of Lord Akira's awakening is drawing closer! Are your hearts prepared for his coming?!

Kaneda: WHAT?! Yamagata's dead?!
Kai: Something seemed strange about him the second I saw his face. It was odd, he was wearing what looked like a white hospital gown. He acted like a different person. Yamagata then asked him...if he was really Tetsuo...or someone else. And then he... (chokes up) YAMAGATA, WHY?!

ZRO Limit subtitled version

Harukiya bartender: Damn it, don't scare me like that! Open the damn door quietly!
Yamagata: You wouldn't be so jumpy if you didn't have something to hide! Try selling some normal drinks sometime, huh?
Harukiya bartender: How about buying something for once?! This ain't a hangout!
Yamagata: And drink that dog piss you sell?!


I love you with all my heart, fucker.

Grossest thing I've ever seen...
JSDF Soldier, examining Yamagata's corpse

Joker: Stop. Do you know how pure that stuff is? 75%. One drop of that is a one-way trip to hell for any normal person.
Clown chemist: This isn't for any normal person.

Having him as our new boss is going to be expensive!
Clown biker

Colonel Shikishima: How much do you know about that pill?!
Kaneda: Enough to feel sorry that it went to waste.
