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Quotes / Accidental Misnaming

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Rapatar: I don't know why you always talking shit on me! I got strong stripes, good dots. Y'know, I don't see that on Steve! But still, you treat him like an angel, compared to how you treat me.
Grandpa: Who the fuck is Steve? His name is K'arl!
Rapatar: Him too.

Goldsmith: Good day, Inspector Pike.
Inspector Trout: 'Trout", sir.
Goldsmith: Oh, yes. Yes, of course.

Jade: Does "the IRIS" mean anything to you?
HH: [groggily] Listen here, Miss Thyrus...
Jade: [chuckles] It's Jade. ...And I haven't the foggiest how we're going to get out of here.
HH: Perhaps I can be of some assistance there...
Jade: So you are Double H!
HH: Double H? Triple Z? Look, whatever pleases you; don't ask me. All I know is that in another ten minutes, I was a goner. I Owe You My Life. Hence: You can count on me, Miss Thyrus!
Jade: [giggling] Jade! My name is Jade!

"Are you 'Tony Stank'?"

The principal: We're really sorry about this incident, Cassie...
Carrie: IT'S CARRIE! [psychically knocks the ashtray off the table]

Sidney: Yes, that's fine with Mr. Muffin.
Bertram: "Muffett".

"It's not 'Pushover', it's 'Putzova'. Russian, you know."
Mrs. Putzova, Carry On Matron Deleted Scene

Cristiano Ronaldo: [to Gonzalo Higuaín] Now if you excuse me, Karim, [takes the phone from Matthijs de Ligt and starts retreating back into the bathroom], I guess I'll see what Lionel Messi wants to talk to me about. [closes the bathroom door, De Ligt turns to Higuaín]
Matthijs de Ligt: Karim?
Gonzalo Higuaín: I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm Karim Benzema.

Inosuke: Come on and fight me! I swear, I'm gonna find your weak point and bring you down!
Tanjiro: I have a name, you know! It's Tanjiro Kamado!
Inosuke: Alright, Gonpachiro Kamaboko, I'm gonna bring you down!

Mickey: I bet you don't even remember my name!
Ninth Doctor: Ricky.
Mickey: It's Mickey!
Ninth Doctor: No, it's Ricky.
Mickey: I think I know my own name!
Ninth Doctor: You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?

Kaecilius: Mister...
Strange: Doctor.
Kaecilius: Mister Doctor?
Strange: It's... Strange.
Kaecilius: Maybe. Who am I to judge?

Akaoni: Shh-shh-shh, it's gonna be okay. You've got that Maki girl exactly where you want her.
Joker: Her name is Saki, you fool, she's not a sushi roll.

Krillin: Little Green, no!
Gohan: Actually Krillin, his name was Dende.
Krillin: Huh, that's funny. He never spoke about it.
Dragon Ball Z Abridged, after Freeza kills Dende

Tommy: Wilby, I'm–
Wilbur: Did you just call me Wilby?! Did you just fucking call me Wilby?!
Wilbur: (laughing) You just called me fucking Wilby...
Wilbur: You're embarrassed because you called me Wilby! Awwwwww, Tommyyyyy! You can call me Wilby, Tommy, no need to be embarrassed!
Tommy: I don't want to call you Wilby.

Timmy: Don't worry, Mom and Dad. Even if you did forget my birthday, it's OK.
Dad: What?! Forgot your birthday?
Mom: We'd never forget your birthday, Tommy!

Gintoki: Well, in that case, let's compare which one tastes better: Uji Gintoki Bowl or your Dog Food Special. Right, old man?
Assassin/Right, old man: Huh? What do you mean 'Right, old man'??
Hijikata: Bring it on! Right, old man?
Assassin/Right, old man: W-wait! This isn't right! What, am I going to have to eat these!?
Gintoki: The most objective judgment comes from a complete stranger. That's how it goes, right, old man?
Hijikata: We're counting on you. Right, old man?
Assassin/Right, old man: What is 'Right, old man'!? You make it sound like my name– (is forcefed with Uji Gintoki Bowl and Hijikata Specialnote )
Gintoki: How's that, right, old man? Mine's better, right? ... Huh? Right, old man?

"Thanks, Bossa Nova! Er, Bag O' Matzo. Copacabana?"

"It's her-MY-oh-nee!"

Strong Bad: Hey, Dairy Queen.
Strong Sad: I told you, I don't wanna be called that anymore. I made a mistake!
Strong Bad: Oh, sorry, Dairy Queen.

Bubbles Blastoff: How are you, Mrs. Johnson?
Jane Jetson: It's Jetson!
The Jetsons, "To Tell the Truth"

Mr. D (Dionysus): Someone find professor hay-for-breath and tell him Peter Johnson is awake, so he better clip clop over here!
Percy: It's Percy Jackson.

Laura: Karina needs to be with her family. I'm filing for custody.
Joe: Son nom est Katrina, et tu ne peux pas la prendre!Translation

King of Swamp Castle: Listen, Alice...
Prince Herbert: Herbert.
King: Herbert...

Teacher: Morning, Camelia.
Kamala Khan: Morning, actually, I've been meaning to tell you for years, it's pronounced 'Ka-ma-la'.
Teacher: Oh.

Rodney: Trigger — why do you call me Dave? My name's not Dave, my name's Rodney.
Trigger: I thought it was Dave.
Rodney: No, it's Rodney.
Trigger: You sure?
Rodney: Yeah, I'm positive. I've looked it up on me birth certificate and passport and everything! It is definitely Rodney!
Trigger: Oh well, you live and learn... So what's Dave, a nickname, like?
Rodney: No! You're the only one who calls me Dave! Everybody else calls me Rodney, and the reason they call me Rodney is because Rodney is my name.
Trigger: Oh well, I shall have to get used to calling you Rodney.
Rodney: Thank you.
Trigger: Here, Basil, you gonna get this meeting started? Me and Dave ain't got all night.

Ozzy: Whoa! Never on a first date, Drips!
Drix: Drix.
Ozzy: That's what I said.
Drix: No, I believe you said "Drips" with a "P".
Ozzy: Whatever.

"Clearly. Makes me agitated every time he gets it wrong. None of his 'names' for me, remotely sound like Kamos."

Mayor Goodway: Uncle Otis, meet Ryder.
Otis: Spider?! Where?
PAW Patrol, "Pups Save a Goldrush".

Peppermint Patty: Before we go, kid, I want to ask you something. How come you're always calling me "sir" when I keep asking you not to, huh? Don't you realize how annoying that can be?
Marcie: No, ma'am!

Mayor: We will never forget the name Roy Stantz.
Ray Stantz: Uh, that's Ray! Ray!
The Real Ghostbusters, "Look Homeward, Ray"

"I am the goddess Dodo?! First I get sun-bopped like a rag doll, and fluffed with an old feather duster, then I'm told to forget I'm a wife and mother... because I'm the goddess Dodo?! Well, my name is Didi! Didi Pickles! Not a goddess... a woman... who loves nothing more than being a wife and mother and wants her money back!!"
Didi Pickles, Rugrats

"That's Hooper, Big Bird! Hooper!"
Mr. Hooper whenever Big Bird misnames him, Sesame Street

Marge: Bart, no!
Bart: (standing right beside her) What?!
Marge: Sorry, force of habit. Lisa, no!

"Bart's teacher is named 'Krabappel'? I've been calling her 'Crandall'! Why didn't someone tell me? Oh, I've been making an idiot out of myself!"

"It's Sed-ric, Sed-ric!"
Cedric the Sorcerer whenever Sofia calls him "Cee-dric", Sofia the First

Mailfish: Thank you, Mr... (reading) Tennisballs!
Squidward: That's Tentacles!
Patrick: (reading) Hmm... "Property of Squidward...Tentpoles".
Squidward: That's Tennisballs—gah, Tentacles!
Squidward: (reading again) The first place snail-racing cup presented to Squidward... TORTELLINI?! Will I ever win?
SpongeBob SquarePants, "The Great Snail Race"

Dr. Pulaski: Data, look at this.
Data: Data.
Dr. Pulaski: What?
Data: My name. It is pronounced "Day-tuh".
Dr. Pulaski: Oh?
Data: You called me "Dah-tuh".
Dr. Pulaski: What's the difference?
Data: One is my name. The other is not.

Shouzou Yuuki: Allow me to introduce you to my daughters' fiancé. Kazuto, Versace. Versace, Kazuto.
Nobuyuki Sugou: Um sir, that's not my name. That was the brand of briefcase I put all the money in.

Kara: I believe in you... Georgette.
Bertie: It's BERTIE!
Tuca & Bertie, "The Mole"

Kingpin: Elektra, take care of this. I have guests.
Electro: Electro. "Tro". Boss, I told you, I wanna be called Electro. As in, to electrocute this idiot.

Vanitas: ...that's...not it either...I'm trying to remember... Vanitas. That's my name.
Chuck: ...did you say "Vantas"?
Vanitas: ...Vanitas!
Chuck: ...Van-tas?
Vanitas: Vanitas! With an "I"!
Chuck: ...Vaintas?
Vanitas: ...No! Vuh-Nee-Tus. That's how you pronounce my name.
Chuck: ...Bunnytoss?
Vanitas: Close enough.

"Thanks, George," you say happily. You can tell from the look on his face that that's not his name.

Yami Yugi: Hello there. I'm here today with 8-bit Mickey, and we're going to–
Nostalgia Critic: Actually, I'm The Nostalgia Critic.
Yami: Oh, my apologies. I always seem to struggle with people's names when I'm promoting Kami-Con.
Critic: Don't worry about it.
Yami: Okay then, let me try that again. I'm here with Linkara, and we're going to–
Critic: Again, wrong, it's the Nostalgia Critic.
Yami: How very foolish of me. Phelous.
Critic: Way off.
Yami: Spoony.
Critic: You're doing this on purpose.
Yami: Bennett the Sage.
Critic: That's just insulting!
Yami: The Nostalgia...
Critic: Yes?
Yami: ...Chick!
Critic: GAH!
Yami: Wait, wait, I've got it. The Angry Video Game Nerd.
Critic: Oh, it's funny because you're saying names that aren't mine!
Yami: Vic Mignogna.
Critic: Who is that? Who even is that?
Yami: Um, Doug Walker.
Critic: Yeah, let's go with that.
Yami Yugi and The Nostalgia Critic, promoting Kami-Con

"Yūgō jya ne, Yūgo da!" (I'm not Fusion, I'm Yugo!)

Dory: "Not much fun for little Harpo."
Marlin: "Nemo."

Anna: "Christopher!"
Kristoff: "That's Kristoff!"

"I really meant to call you Beatrice; it just came out wrong."
Ramona Quimby, Ramona and Beezus

"Oh, Jordan sorry, hmm? Then say, 'Muffin' right! That's Muffin with the 'mmm'!"
Muffin, 3rd & Bird, "Baby Jordan"

Roquefort: "His name is... O'Toole."
Scat Cat: "I don't dig him. Strike one!"
Roquefort: "O... O... O'Brien?"
Scat Cat: "Strike two!"
Roquefort: "You believe me, don't you?"
Scat Cat: "Keep talking, Mousey."
Roquefort: "How about O'... Grady?"

"Margaret calls me Dan-Dan!"

"Chari Bari Rembo Tikki Tikki Pip Pip has fallen in the well!"

Komonanoff: "Who is this Major Nerys Kira?!"
Dr. Julian Bashir: "That's Kira Nerys, actually."
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir"

Danny Aykker: "Uhh, Ethan. No; Eddie. Wait, no."
