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Playing With / You're Insane!

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Basic Trope: Stock Phrase where a hero tells a villain that their actions or plans are devoid of basic reason.

  • Straight: After Emperor Evulz explains his plan to Hiro, the latter says, "You're insane!"
  • Exaggerated: Hiro individually tells every creature in the planet that has done anything vaguely morally questionable they're insane.
  • Downplayed: Hiro tells Emperor Evulz the latter is eccentric.
  • Justified: Emperor Evulz is actually insane.
  • Inverted: Emperor Evulz calls Hiro insane.
  • Subverted: "You're in—actually that kinda makes sense."
  • Double Subverted: Later, Hiro finds out about Emperor Evulz' true motives and finishes the sentence.
  • Parodied: "You actually like the Star Wars Holiday Special? You're insane!"
  • Zig-Zagged: Hiro sometimes calls Emperor Evulz insane and sometimes agrees with him.
  • Averted: Hiro doesn't call anyone insane.
  • Enforced: "Let's show the audience that Hiro thinks Evulz is beyond redemption!" "But how?" "Let's just have him call Evulz insane after Evulz explains his plan."
  • Lampshaded: "You're insane!" "Why do all the heroes I fight say that?"
  • Defied: "You're not're just sadistic, aren't you?"
  • Conversed: "Man, why do all the heroes tell the villains they're insane? Can't they say something else for once?"
  • Implied: Only the end of the conversation is shown, with Evulz saying, "You just noticed?"
  • Discussed: "Look dude, if you really want to know why I'm calling you insane, then please take a look at your own plan in my shoes." "...I still don't get your point. This is a perfectly sane and normal plot that I'm carrying out, I'm just going to vaporize all the orphanages, kick all the dogs, steal all the old ladies' purses, and even destroy the sun with this here death ray!"

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