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Playing With / Western Terrorists

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Basic Trope: A terrorist group with predominately Western members is depicted.

  • Straight: The Squad has to stop the Werwolves, a Neo-Nazi terrorist group from detonating a nuclear bomb in Manhattan.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: While the Werwolves are a terrorist group with Western members, they do not subscribe to white supremacist ideas, and employ many minorities and foreigners.
  • Justified:
    • The Werwolves ideology of Nazi ideals and white supremacy attract primarily Western members.
    • The Werwolves is based in Ruritania or some other Western land.
  • Inverted:
    • The Black Lions are a black supremacist group bent on slaughtering white people.
    • The Falcon Unit is an elite Middle-Eastern counterterrorist force, with their cutting-edge equipment funded by oil exports.
  • Implied: A Werwolves cell is shown to have all white members but it's not explicitly stated that a Werwolves member must be white.
  • Subverted: Despite having fearsome rhetoric, the Werwolves are little more than a bunch of dumber-than-rocks bigots with little organizational capabilities...
  • Double Subverted: …Until we find out that they're backed by The British Empire.
  • Parodied: The Werewolves keep a random (thoroughly confused) Muslim man on staff to tell them if they are "doing it right."
  • Zig-Zagged: The Werewolves, working on obscure Nazi racial theories, are made up primarily of Sioux Indians.
  • Averted: Some of the terrorists are radical Muslims.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Today's big news is a crackdown on a Neo-Nazi terrorist group. The SWAT commander in charge was quoted as saying: 'You wouldn't expect a few Neo-Nazi thugs to be a huge threat, but trust us; this time around, the real face of terrorism is Western.' The law enforcement agencies are currently continuing the investigation."
  • Invoked: "The Werwolves are a heavily-armed Neo-Nazi terrorist group established by SS officers who fled to South America. Your mission is to take them down".
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The FBI goes to great lengths to crack down on all kinds of terrorists and monitor white supremacist organizations, so the Werwolves and like-minded groups are never able to organize.
  • Discussed: "You know, not all terrorists are from the Middle East. Ever heard of the Oklahoma City Bombings or even the British colonial atrocities?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Without foreign backing, the Werwolves aren't much of a threat...
  • Reconstructed: ...Except, the police are normally used to profiling Muslims, so they don't expect this kind of attack.
  • Played For Laughs: The cast's resident conspiracy theorist spends all his time looking nervously at his Muslim neighbors while the Werwolves are literally goosestepping down the street with bags of fertilizer.
  • Played For Drama: The Werwolves commit hideous atrocities against Jews, African-Americans, Catholics, Muslims and anyone who stands in their way, and since barely anyone believes that not every terrorist is a Muslim, the heroes' squad (or their backup) is late to stop them over and over again.
  • Played for Horror: Our story begins with a reenactment of one of the most destructive terrorist attacks in recent history that spares nothing in terms of gory imagery and characters (not to mention audience members) being traumatized, continues with a couple more to paint the terrorist faction as "seemingly unstoppable" (in every sense of the term) and then climaxes with The Reveal that this unrelenting massacring was orchestrated by a bunch of well-off upper-middle-class middle-aged Evil Colonialist white dudes who just woke up one morning deciding that everything needed to burn. And worse yet, they are not alone.

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