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Playing With / Weirdness Magnet

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Basic Trope: A character tends to attract bizarre, otherworldly things.

  • Straight: Alice walks out of her house only to find that an alien has crash-landed into her porch for the third time.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a literal weirdness magnet. Anything out of the ordinary is magnetically attracted to her. This can have messy results.
  • Downplayed: Alice notices a family of deer on her lawn, which is strange because the deer near her neighborhood are quite antisocial.
  • Justified: Alice is some sort of "weirdness spirit". Weird things happen near her because her mere presence commands it.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is a magnet for the mundane.
    • Everything not common wherever Alice is gives her a wide berth.
  • Subverted: Alice seems to be a magnet for weirdness, but then goes to a store where nothing out of the ordinary happens.
  • Double Subverted: And then she meets the cashier, who is clearly a wizard.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice thinks she sees a wizard, but it's actually a hallucination caused by a drug. The drug is from an alternate universe, or so she believes. She is promptly taken to a hospital on Mars, but she hallucinates it being on Earth.
  • Averted: Alice experiences strange things as much as the next person does.
  • Enforced: The showrunners need to keep the episodes interesting, so they make Alice face a bizarre new happening every week.
  • Lampshaded: "Wait, you deal with this every week?"
  • Invoked: Alice goes out of her way to look for weird creatures, things, phenomena, etc., then gets them to track her back home.
  • Exploited: Reporters who want to report on something supernatural use Alice to do just that.
  • Defied: Alice refuses to step outside, knowing that unusual events will be forced upon her.
  • Discussed: "It really sucks that you have to deal with crazy stuff like this weekly."
  • Conversed: "Something weird always seems to happen to that girl."
  • Deconstructed: Alice cannot leave her house for fear that aliens, robots or mythical creatures could hurt her or a loved one. She has to stay indoors with as little contact with the outside world as possible, including friends and family.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: After hours of mowing her gigantic lawn, Alice sits back and relaxes ... just as a gigantic carnivorous plant sprouts from the ground and eats cars. Alice is not amused.
  • Played for Drama: On her way to her wedding, Alice's car is totaled by a humongous fire-breathing gorilla. Now she has to escape from the gorilla to get to her wedding, which is easier said than done.
  • Played for Horror:

The main page is a Weirdness Magnet. Now's your chance to get over your shock in advance.
