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Basic Trope: Presenting an overly generic description, line of dialogue, or thing's name to the point of resembling a blank template.

  • Straight: The town of Town's Name has a welcome sign that says "Welcome Sign: witty slogan for Town's Name".
  • Exaggerated: Everyone talks like an unfilled Mad-Lib.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Town's Name was founded by an overly Literal-Minded robot.
  • Inverted: The description of the town is overly specialized to the slang of the town—"Tropesburg: BUPKISsed YKTTW Wicks!"
  • Subverted:
    • The sign that appears to say "Town's Name" is covered in vegetation. When brushed aside, the sign reads: "This town's name is..."
    • The sign is a sample from the sign factory just outside of town for customers to decide if the font used is the right one.
  • Double Subverted: The full message turns out to be "This town's name is Town's Name."
  • Parodied: The town is called "Just input 'Town's Name'. I'll edit it later."
  • Zig-Zagged: A resident reveals that the sign is outdated since they changed the name. The new name is ... "City's Name".
  • Averted: "Welcome to Tropesburg, where your life being ruined is the least of your worries!"
  • Enforced:
    • Executive Meddling comes in from people who believe that Viewers Are Morons to the point where they won't realize the sign hanging over the entrance to the town is supposed to be the name of the town unless they use it to explain itself.
    • Town's Name is a fallback in case the town name index is out of bounds; seeing it during gameplay means you've entered a Minus Town.
  • Lampshaded: Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?
  • Invoked: Someone names a town "Town's Name".
  • Exploited: Alice goes to Town's Name to hide from Charlie, the Corrupt Bureaucrat chasing after her, as he wouldn't think of taking the name written on the forms he forces people who know where she's gone to to fill out literally, creating a Who's on First? situation.
  • Defied: Bob suggests naming the new town "Town's Name", but his fellow councillors in committee, or the people in a plebiscite, reject the idea.
  • Discussed:
    Alan: We're going to Town's Name.
    Betty: That can't be its real name.
    Alan: Believe it or not, it is.
    Betty: That is the single Stupidest Thing I've Ever Heard.
  • Conversed: "Did the creators of the show forget to fill in their template or something?"
  • Implied:
    • After the meeting on what to name the town, Maria, the mayor, walks out of the chambers. Somebody asks her as a joke if they decided to call it "Town's Name", setting up Cringe Comedy as she tries to deny it.
    • A map of the area is shown and while there's a "You Are Here" label pointing at Town's Name, something is covering up the bottom half of the letters in Town's Name.
  • Deconstructed: It turns out there is a law against using the Real Joke Name for human settlements...
  • Reconstructed: ...fortunately, the law was repealed not long after it was passed.
  • Played for Laughs: The sign is praised as the most complex and interesting town sign in the universe.
  • Played for Drama: Cut to Mike, the mayor of Town's Name, crying in his office due to his lack of creativity.
  • Played for Horror: Everyone who reads the sign is magically controlled into submission.

Courtesy line returning you to [Trope Name].
