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Playing With / Snowball Lie

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Basic Trope: An initially small lie becomes bigger and bigger.

  • Straight: Bob states he has a Girlfriend in Canada named Alice, and wanted to end the lie there, only to make the lie bigger by stating he's planning "visits" to her, faking photos, identity...
  • Exaggerated: The above, but he also fakes their engagement, marriage, fighting, divorce, and finding a new girlfriend in Ireland.
  • Downplayed: Bob states he has a Girlfriend in Canada; he fakes a few "visits", but not much else.
  • Justified: Bob's friends are all aware that "Alice" is fake, but want to see how far he'll take the lie.
  • Inverted: An initially big lie becomes smaller and smaller (a Reverse Snowball Lie?).
  • Subverted: Bob eventually confesses that Alice is fake.
  • Double Subverted: But states he does have a real girlfriend in Ireland.
  • Parodied: Bob is a Bad Liar, so his attempts just end up hiding nothing.

Oh, uh, the Main Page isn't here, it got deleted so now we have no link.
