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Playing With / Show Within a Show

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Basic Trope: A fictional TV show within an actual TV show.

  • Straight: The characters in the show Alice and Bob love to watch a show called Troperz.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: One time, Alice said she had to go so she wouldn't miss Troperz.
  • Justified: Showing Alice and Bob being on all the time nicks Willing Suspension of Disbelief so in their down time they watch Troperz.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob is occasionally shown to be a TV show watched by people in the "real" world.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • The people editing TV Tropes are writing an entry of Troperz
    • ...However, in later seasons it gets good, so they watch it again.
  • Parodied: The show within a show is a Stylistic Suck that is actually called "Show within a Show."
  • Zig-Zagged: The characters in Alice and Bob love to watch a show called Troperz. However, they end up addicted, so the show is canceled. That is, until it gets defictionalized.
  • Averted: Troperz is not shown/mentioned within the Alice and Bob universe, not even in a minor situation.
  • Enforced:
    • Alice and Bob is a Slice of Life show, so the creators have to put a fictional show in to make it realistic.
    • One of the characters in Alice and Bob is an actor who worked on Troperz. It makes sense for Troperz to actually appear at some point.
    • The showrunners feel it would be boring if what the characters of Alice and Bob watched on TV was left to the audience's imagination, so they make the decision to include scenes of Troperz playing on the characters' TV sets.
  • Lampshaded: "How does this show air?"
  • Invoked: Characters create the show Troperz for the same reason that shows like the one Bob and Alice is in has been created.
  • Exploited: Troperz is used to pass secret messages without The Empire finding out.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob try to avoid watching Troperz at all costs.
  • Discussed: "Troperz is on in 5 minutes! I love that show!"
  • Conversed: "Wait, this show has a show in it? What if that show also has a show in it? Showception!"
  • Implied: Alice and Bob watch TV, and though we don't see what they're watching, they're not watching the news or the sports channel.
  • Deconstructed: Troperz ends up popular enough to be defictionalized.
  • Reconstructed: The characters in Alice and Bob try to keep Troperz on the air.
  • Played For Laughs: We get to watch Troperz along with Alice and Bob, and it's Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Played For Drama: Bob and Alice get very nostalgic by watching the first seasons of Troperz while wondering why it's been Jumping the Shark.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: The show that Alice and Bob is in is about the Show Within a Show.
  • Untwisted: Show Within a Show Within A Recursive Reality.

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