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Playing With / Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

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Basic Trope: A prophecy fulfilled by attempts to prevent it from happening.

  • Played Straight: Alice hears a prophecy that Bob will die on Mount Terror. Alice warns Bob about the prophecy, but in doing so alerts Bob to the existence of Mount Terror, where he goes and ends up dying.
  • Exaggerated: Alice hears numerous prophecies from an Oracle, including Bob's death at Mount Terror, and attempts to prevent each and every one of them, but in doing so causes them all to come true.
  • Downplayed: Attempts to prevent the prophecy cause it to loosely come true, in a metaphorical sense.
  • Justified: The prophecy contains information about places and events that wouldn't have been known without the prophecy, and attempting to avert it causes the prophesied to become involved with things they wouldn't have otherwise.
  • Subverted: Alice hears a prophecy about Bob dying at Mount Terror and warns him of his death there. Bob goes to Mount Terror, seemingly about to meet his end, but ultimately doesn't die there.
  • Double Subverted: ...However, he then dies on Mount Terror at a later date.
  • Inverted: Self-Defeating Prophecy
  • Averted: Alice warns Bob about his prophecised death at Mount Terror, thus Bob doesn't go there and nullifies the prophecy.
  • Invoked:
    • The prophet stating the prophesy was pulling a Batman Gambit on Alice and Bob with how he stated it.
    • Due to the simple fact that Bob died on the newly charted mountain, it's given the name of Mount Terror.
  • Exploited: Bob doesn't go to Mount Terror and thus becomes functionally immortal, living a long and fulfilling life. After he's had enough, he treks to the mountain and finally dies.
