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Playing With / Rocket-Tag Gameplay

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Basic Trope: A game or game-mode where players and enemies can be taken down very easily.

  • Straight:
    • In "Normal mode", every player starts with 300 HP. But in "Daredevil mode", every player starts with only 100 HP, and weapons are as strong as in "Normal mode".
  • Exaggerated:
    • Everyone only starts with 1 health, and the only weapon available is the gatling rocket launcher, making it nearly impossible to avoid enemy fire.
  • Downplayed:
    • In "Daredevil mode", players start with 100 HP, but there are power ups that let them reduce damage taken.
  • Inverted: Every player starts with 1500 HP instead of 300.
  • Subverted: While players only start with 100 HP, they're also giving 200 armor for damage reduction.
  • Double Subverted: ...however, there are plenty of attacks that bypass armor.
  • Averted:
    • There is no "Daredevil mode".
    • "Daredevil mode" starts you with normal health.

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