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Playing With / Pretty Boy

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Basic Trope: A boyish, slender, and attractive guy.

  • Straight: Bob is very pretty.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Only Bob's girlfriend thinks he's particularly pretty.
  • Justified: Bob puts a lot of effort into his looks.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: The first time we meet Bob he's very pretty, but he's all dolled up for his dance recital at the moment. Most of the time he isn't so pretty.
  • Double Subverted: …but after his career as a dancer takes off, he had to keep up his image.
  • Parodied: Bob is so pretty he sparkles.
  • Zig Zagged: In episode 1, Bob is boyish, extremely attractive and a nice guy. In episode 2, he looks sickly and scruffy. In episode 3, he's back to being pretty and cute. In episode 4, he looks shabby and acts like a tough guy. In episode 5, he's a cutie-pie. In episode 6, he's yet again shabby and unkempt and acts all rough.
  • Averted: Bob isn't pretty.
  • Enforced: Bob was hired for the part because he was the prettiest actor, not the most talented one.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob's prettier than his girlfriend."
  • Invoked: Bob looks for YouTube videos about how to be prettier as a guy and follows the tutorials.
  • Exploited: Bob's teammates always give him the job of being distracting and sexy.
  • Defied: Bob has good genetics, but he purposely plays it down.
  • Implied: Bob is a young man, but always shown from Unreveal Angles. He has many fan-girls and admirers in-universe. Viewers think he must be pretty.
  • Deconstructed: People only admire his good looks and don't pay much attention to his personality.
  • Discussed: "Have you seen our new neighbour Bob? That man is so pretty it's unfair, dude! All the girls from our neighbourhood will have a crush on him."
  • Conversed: "I think I watch this show only because of Bob. I love me some cute baby-faced man eye-candy."
  • Played For Drama: Bob's the world's most beautiful manSo Beautiful, It's a Curse. His great beauty leads to rape, kidnapping, and war.

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