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Playing With / Power Perversion Potential

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Basic Trope: The use of superpowers to fulfill one's perverted desires.

  • Straight:
  • Exaggerated:
    • Blazing Bob uses his power to actively do anything sexual related, such as taking off clothing or even moving.
    • Aerial basically spends all his time either tearing people's clothes off with wind, being invisible in the girl's bathroom, or Autoerotic Asphyxiation.
    • Alice is constantly getting New Powers as the Plot Demands, but only to indulge in new methods of perversion.
    • Hypno Henry has the power to control minds. He uses it to hypnotise the Alpha Bitch into dancing naked in front of the school.
    • Reality Ricky has the power to control reality itself. He uses it to create a reality where there is world peace, no crime and the Alpha Bitch is legally required to be permanently naked.
  • Downplayed:
    • Aquatic Alice cleans herself with her power.
    • Aerial Ace uses his wind powers to flip skirts and masturbate.
  • Justified:
    • They never learned how to have sex normally.
    • The use of powers are an important part of their courtship rituals.
    • Alice is already a bit of a pervert to begin with. When she gained superpowers, it didn't take long for her to figure out perverted uses for them.
    • Despite her name, Alice's powers are only effective on semen. It's hard to find a non-sexual use for this one.
    • Henry’s powers are powered by the humiliation of the Alpha Bitch.
  • Inverted:
    • People's perversions are used as the basis for developing superpowers.
    • Alice weaponized a number of spells originally designed for sexual gratification.
    • Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: superpowers prevent, rather than enhance, nookie.
    • Nudifier Natalie has the power to make anyone’s clothes disappear into thin air. She only uses her powers to strip criminals, and only as a last resort.
    • Orgasm Orla, who has the power to give instaneous orgasms, is asexual and only uses her powers to incapacitate criminals.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...Emphasis on sometimes, as Bob is easily capable of intentionally manipulating the temperature.
    • But there were other ways of solving the problem, and that excuse doesn't explain why he was staring with a dopey grin on his face...
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Bob heats the air, but he actually suffers from Power Incontinence. Except he doesn't as that's just a lie... a lie told because he doesn't want the marked shapeshifters to know he's looking. Still...
  • Averted: People either don't care about sexuality or their powers can't be used perversely.
  • Enforced:
    • "We need to show that our characters are people. What if we show what they would use their powers for sexually?"
    • It's a Hentai magna. It would be weirder if any powers were not used sexually.
  • Lampshaded: "Geez, there really has to be better uses for pyrokinesis than getting people to strip."
  • Invoked: Figuring with great powers comes great peaks, Bob begins increasing temperature around him so women will end up stripping.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz discredits the heroes to the public by showing footage of their superpowered perversion.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "So who would be better in bed anyways?" "Well Bob can really heat a girl up, but then there's Thomas and he can just make you... hover, ya know?"
  • Conversed: "What's the point of using powers pervertedly? It doesn't actually improve the process." "Yes, but people do have all kinds of fetishes."
  • Implied:
  • Deconstructed:
    • Both heroes and villains are seen as a big joke as it becomes increasingly well known how much perversion potential their abilities have.
    • Aerial Ace was an otherwise respectable superhero, until his bad habits became public knowledge due to the Paparazzi. This ruined his career and forced him to retire, leaving him deeply unhappy. It's implied he's not the first one to be "decommissioned" this way.
    • Aquatic Alice accidentally harms her partner this way. Superpowers are not a toy.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Bob starts trying out new powers, going from Flight to stranger things like dustokinesies.
    • Shapeshifters Alice and Bob pretend to be their friends Claire and Daniel in bed, only for the latter two to walk in on them.
  • Played For Drama:

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