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Playing With / Please Put Some Clothes On

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Basic Trope: Character appears naked and is asked to hide their shame.

  • Straight: Alice shows up naked and Bob tells her to put something on.
  • Exaggerated: Bob doesn't allow Alice to defuse the bomb before she has dressed.
  • Downplayed:
    • During the battle, Bob quibbles about Alice's violation of the dress code.
    • Alice wears a very revealing outfit. Bob tells her to wear something more conservative.
  • Justified:
    • It's cold winter and Alice will freeze without clothes.
    • Bob has gymnophobia (a fear of nudity) or had a traumatic experience relating to a naked woman (such as witnessing or being on the receiving end of a rape perpetrated by a woman) and is nervous about seeing a naked body.
    • Bob fears that being seen with a naked Alice would make him look like a pervert.
    • Bob is gay and is uninterested and annoyed by Alice's advances.
    • Bob is The Fundamentalist.
    • Bob has a girlfriend already and is afraid that she would mistake him for cheating if she sees Alice naked with him.
    • Bob is aroused by Alice but does not want her to know.
    • Bob and Alice are in the presence or nearby vicinity of children.
    • Bob and Alice are in public and Alice risks getting arrested.
    • Brittany is heterosexual and is not interested in Alice's body.
    • Brittany is an Armoured Closet Gay and hates how Alice is turning her on.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob wants Alice to take her clothes off.
    • Bob encourages Alice to remain naked.
    • Alice is the one refusing to put clothes on.
    • Alice is the one requesting Bob put clothes on her.
  • Subverted: Bob deliberately tells Alice to put clothes on so she wouldn't.
  • Double Subverted: That is what Alice thinks. Bob really does want her to put clothes on.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice is not in the nude.
  • Enforced: The writer wanted Bob to be embarrassed and Alice to be naked because Fanservice.
  • Lampshaded: "Why are you naked?"
  • Invoked: "I got a shy boy and a pretty girl who likes him but he won't make a move. Let's get her naked so they can get some chemistry together."
  • Exploited: Alice took off her clothes deliberately to get Bob's reaction to her naked body.
  • Defied:
    • Alice refuses to get dressed.
    • Bob sees Alice naked. Though surprised, he merely asks her what's the matter.
    • Alice is a Ms. Fanservice who prefers not to wear clothes.
  • Discussed: "Oh boy. Why do all of the shows need to have naked people asked to put on clothes?
  • Conversed: "Imagine how cool it is if there is this dude who just doesn't give a crap about a naked girl suddenly appearing right in front of him, and says, 'You're not gonna wear anything?', in a nonchalant way." "I'm pretty sure that literally never happens in fiction at all."
  • Implied:
    • Bob talks about a Noodle Incident, saying that it was rather disgusting.
    • Alice casually reminisces about her Naked First Impression with Bob, who tries to get her to shut up.
    • Bob pointedly ignores Alice when she gets naked and pesters him.
    • A naked Alice grumbles that her attempt to seduce Bob failed.
    • Bob shakes his head as Alice attempts to seduce him.
  • Played for Drama: Alice is naked cause she wanted to woo Bob and him telling her to get dressed or putting clothes on her causes her to feel insulted and runs off, heartbroken over that she bared herself like that for him only to be met with what was tantamount to rejection.

Please Put Some Clothes On already...
