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Playing With / "Not So Different" Remark

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Basic Trope: Two or more characters at odds realize that they share similarities, after all.

  • Straight:
    • Amazing Girl was just forced to kill General Psychopathic and Master Destruction tells her that the ease with which she took human life is something he shares with her.
    • Alternately, Amazing Girl unites with Master Destruction to fight crime once she realizes that, despite their differing methods, she and Master Destruction are both courageous, idealistic warriors who genuinely want world peace.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Master Destruction is clearly presented as an Evil Counterpart to Amazing Girl, but neither of them says this explicitly.
    Master Destruction: You know, we're not so different, you and I.
    Amazing Girl: I guess not... but what's your point?
    Master Destruction: Nothing. Just sayin'.
  • Justified:
    • Master Destruction is trying to turn Amazing Girl to The Dark Side and his first step is to convince her they are similar.
    • What Amazing Girl did really was in Master Destruction's style.
    • Master Destruction is a Shadow Archetype to Amazing Girl: while both are similar, their philosophies are vastly different, with Master Destruction deciding he should be callous, and Amazing Girl falling back on her empathy.
    • They're related by blood, after all.
    • Master Destruction is Amazing Girl's evil clone, Mirror Universe self, Enemy Without, villainous Split Personality, or some other kind of physical manifestation of her potential for evil that is "not so different" in the sense that it is her.
    • He Who Fights Monsters to the point where you can’t help but to call it out.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: ...just before doing the same thing and saying, "Now there's no difference between us, we're one and the same."
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Amazing Girl is a bit touchy on this particular topic, and it is treated differently Depending on the Writer or her state of mind.
  • Averted: Amazing Girl and Master Destruction never realize that they're similar, because they are essentially completely opposite, except for species and race, if even that.
  • Enforced: "Amazing Girl killed General Psychopathic, which is something Master Destruction would do. Why not make him recognize this to add more drama?"
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Master Destruction sets up the traitorous General Psychopathic to be killed by Amazing Girl so he can tell her about how similar they are now.
  • Exploited: Amazing Girl bluffs her way to victory by threatening to deploy a bomb and kill both herself and Master Destruction. When Master Destruction reminds her that only someone like him would break the Thou Shalt Not Kill rule, she reminds him how similar they are.
  • Defied:
    • Amazing Girl changes her personality, lifestyle, and fighting technique so she wouldn't have any obvious similarities to Master Destruction that the latter can point out.
    • Or...
      Master Destruction: "Scratch that, we're nothing alike. 0/10, not evil enough."
  • Discussed: "Don't worry, Amazing Girl, villains always tell heroes we're just like them to make themselves feel better."
  • Conversed: "Ah, the classic "You and I are not so different" speech, just as I expected from this comic's villain."
  • Deconstructed: Amazing Girl loses it and tries to cut out anything in herself she sees as being like Master Destruction, because of her lingering and not entirely unjustified belief that anything and everything Master Destruction does is evil. This prevents her from doing her duty as a heroine, since "fighting is what Master Destruction does." People die as villains, including Master Destruction himself, do the evil things that make them villains.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
    • Amazing Girl has a bit of a rough time accepting that she dipped to Master Destruction's level, and has to deal with it on her own terms.
    • Master Destruction says it not as a form of manipulation, but as a warning to Amazing Girl so that she, hopefully, doesn't turn out like him as she reminds him of how he used to be.
  • Played for Horror: After Master Destruction tells Amazing Girl that she's a lot like him, she has nightmares and eventually takes it to heart, deciding Then Let Me Be Evil and becoming a Person of Mass Destruction to put his escapades to shame.

You can go if you like, but you must realize that the main trope page isn't so different from this.
