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Playing With / No-Sell

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Basic Trope: A character can ignore someone's powers or doesn't take any visible damage.

  • Straight: Bob lands every hit he can on Emperor Evulz, but Emperor Evulz keeps going.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob uses all of his most powerful abilities in quick succession to try to defeat Emperor Evulz. Emperor Evulz dusts himself off and laughs that Bob still didn't damage him.
    • Emperor Evulz doesn't even notice he's being attacked.
  • Downplayed: Emperor Evulz is hurt, but he's just very good at making it seem like he hasn't been.
    • Emperor Evulz isn't actually invincible, but Bob isn't armed with anything that is damaging the armor he is wearing. Evulz feels the hits, but isn't being hurt.
    • Emperor Evulz does suffer a drawback from the hit, but it's so minimal as to where it's practically meaningless.
  • Justified:
    • Evulz' ability is that he is incredibly resilient.
    • Evulz has his personal Deflector Shields active.
    • Evulz is a god.
    • Evulz uses Sympathetic Magic to make all of the damage he receives be sent back onto prisoners, making him appear invincible.
    • Evulz has a Soul Jar somewhere which, as long as it is left alone, makes him absolutely invincible. Until Bob finds out the Soul Jar exists, it seems as if Evulz is just immensely durable.
    • Evulz has an Anti-Magic charm which nullifies the magic of any competitor he fights. People just assume he's also immune to being punched as he is The Brute.
    • The moment Bob entered Evulz chamber, he was caught in an illusion by the real Evulz, while he unknowingly fights a Hard Light magic projection. Since it isn't real, it seems to feel no pain or take any damage, and Bob doesn't know the real Evulz is sitting in the same room watching this all happen.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: ...And then Evulz gets up again.
  • Parodied: Bob hits Evulz with a sledgehammer. The sledgehammer crumbles into dust.
  • Zig Zagged: Evulz is immune to Bob's gun, but not his fists, but is immune to all of Bob's special powers and moves...except the Dangerous Forbidden Technique.
  • Averted: The entire series is based on posturing and bragging, so we never see Evulz' claims put to the test.
  • Enforced: Evulz was given the power to No Sell Bob's attacks precisely so that Bob doesn't become an Invincible Hero.
  • Lampshaded: "Look up the word 'invincible' in the dictionary. There's a picture of me right next to it."
  • Invoked: Evilz knows that bob's powers are psychoactive, and powered by his own belief in himself. Thus, he acts like he's invincible and don't feel Bob's attacks, which in the case of Bob's powers are exactly as good as being invincible and not feeling his attacks.
  • Exploited:
    • Bob correctly guesses his attacks can't hurt Evilz, and so he uses them to blind him and impede his passage instead.
    • Evulz uses this to terrify Bob into submission.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Please tell me he's not gonna walk that off like it never even happened."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: Bob rushes and lands a punch dead center in the face of Evulz. Evulz doesn't budge or react, and after a Beat, Bob slowly withdraws his hand with a weak "Ow..."

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