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Playing With / Never Smile at a Crocodile

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Basic Trope: Crocodilians are dangerous, voracious threats.

  • Straight: Alice is chased into the swamp where she is violently attacked by alligators.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is chased into a swamp that has thousands of alligators and crocodiles that are singlemindedly bent on killing and eating her.
  • Downplayed: Alice is running through a swamp, and an alligator leaps out of the water to bite her, but gives up when the initial strike fails.
  • Justified: The swamp is actually breeding grounds for genetically altered alligators that are larger and much more aggressive.
    • Alice intruded on their territory right as they're caring for their young... or during a famine.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice goes home to her beloved and friendly Alligator pet, Mr. Snappy.
    • The crocodiles swim away from Alice the moment she enters a swamp, scared.
  • Subverted: It looks like a gator is attacking Alice, but it actually lunged out and grabbed an assassin who was sneaking up behind her, saving her life
  • Double Subverted: ...But then it immediately attacks her
  • Parodied: Every singly body of water is filled to the brim with killer crocodiles of every kind, even things like kiddy pools and wishing fountains.
  • Zig Zagged: A gator looks like it's attacking Alice... but it really killed an assassin who was trying to kill her... but then it lunged at her.... but she's able to subdue and tame it, becoming a loyal pet in the process... but then a crocodile attacks her later... but then her pet gator fights it off...
  • Averted:
    • There are no crocodilians in the story.
    • Crocodilians are the good guys.
  • Enforced: There was recently a major news story about an alligator eating someone.
  • Lampshaded: "Or Course the Swamp is filled with hyper-aggressive Alligators"
  • Invoked: A villain breeds alligators and releases them to attack people.
  • Exploited: Alice manages to get the alligators to eat the person chasing her.
  • Defied: Alice becomes a "croc whisperer" just in case she has to escape an alligator or crocodile attack.
  • Discussed: "While many species of Crocodile do predate on humans Alligators tend to be less aggressive Alice"
  • Conversed: "If this was some kind of adventure movie this river would probably be teaming with Crocodiles"
  • Played For Laughs: As Bob is wading through the river a cartoon gator pounces on him and shakes him around like a dog with a chew toy while slapstick sound effects plat
  • Deconstructed: Crocodilians may be dangerous, but they have an important role in the environment, and people kill them out of fear, resulting in damage.
  • Reconstructed: But Crocodilians are still wild animals and as such are best left alone. Alice may not mean to harm or threaten an Alligator or Crocodile but how are they supposed to know that?
  • Implied: Alice loses a Mook by ducking into a swamp. From behind her somewhere, she hears a loud scream and the snapping of some kind of crocodile.

Back to Never Smile at a Crocodile. Just watch out for the black caiman on the way over there.
