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Playing With / Near-Rape Experience

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Basic Trope: A character almost rapes another, but stops at the last second.

  • Straight: Bob tries to rape Alice, but feels remorse and stops.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is literally nanoseconds away from getting started when he stops.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob pulls Alice in for a Forceful Kiss, despite knowing that she dislikes him... and decides not to at the last second.
    • Bob's hesitation is what gives Charlie time to invervene.
  • Justified: Bob remembers at the last second that Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil.
  • Inverted: Alice almost gets raped by Bob, but she manages to escape at the last second.
  • Subverted: Bob tries to rape Alice, feels remorse... and then continues anyway.
  • Double Subverted: But then he feels remorse for not stopping and stops.
  • Parodied:
    • As Bob forces himself on Alice, he pauses and then monologues for a full hour on whether what he's doing is justified and if he should really go through with it. He keeps Alice pinned down for the whole duration of his monologue and her reaction gradually changes from horror and panic, to confusion and puzzlement, and finally into boredom and frustration before freeing herself from his grasp and leaving.
    • Bob approaches Alice to give her a hug, then suddenly stops, declares himself an irredeemable monster, and locks himself in the closet so he can't hurt anyone ever again. Alice has no idea what just happened.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob tries to rape Alice, then stops, then continues, then stops, then continues...
  • Averted:
    • Bob rapes Alice, no remorse or atonement whatsoever.
    • Bob never attempts to rape Alice in the first place.
  • Enforced: The executives want to show that it's never too late to atone for your actions.
  • Lampshaded: "Hey, I shouldn't really be doing this! I guess I should stop!"
  • Invoked: "Don't you think this sort of thing is wrong?"
  • Exploited: Carol uses the incident to convince Alice that Bob is dangerous, and she should leave him before Bob is no longer able to restrain himself.
  • Defied:
    • Bob briefly entertains the idea of raping Alice but stops himself before taking any action.
    • Alice escapes and does not wait for Bob to have a pang of conscience.
  • Discussed: "What if the rapist decides to stop at the last second?"
  • Conversed: "Hey, did Bob just stop trying to rape Alice at the last second?"
  • Deconstructed: The remorse of nearly raping someone stays with Bob for the rest of his life. Meanwhile, Alice has trouble getting over the trauma of almost getting raped.
  • Reconstructed: Bob consoles himself for the fact that he didn't go through with the rape and Alice counts herself lucky that she didn't get raped after all.
  • Implied:
    • Alice leaves a room with Bob in a terrifed panic, while Bob seems upset and guilty, but both are still fully clothed.
    • Bob sighs and dumps a drink he poured for Alice down the sink, implied to spiked, before pouring her a new one.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice keeps getting sexually assaulted on almost every occasion she goes out, but the rapists stop after they find her too disgusting.

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